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Discussion Serious Discussion About Ratings

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Deleted member 36300

Ratings are so ass, I’ve been rated LTN, MTN, and HTN recently. People also used to say I was boneless and needed trimax and now I have good forward growth and zygos so they were flat out wrong. I know 99% of people can relate, so ratings are entirely pointless and hold no value. Aslong as you’re not a Chad or a Truecel, it’s comes down to HEIGHT and NT. And these newgens are a huge problem, they need to go. I can’t act like I didn’t do the same, because when I was a gray I would rate everyone a chadlite or chad. But these newgens coming in here saying shit like

PSL - high masculinity (not in body context)
Appeal - good facial features, facial harmony
for example James Sapphire after surgeries has low appeal and high PSL

SUB-5 - person with bad facial harmony and features (avg stranger with negative cantal tilt)
prettyboy - mf who has mid facial features and good harmony (basedbw owner)
chadlite - mf who has good facial features and good harmony (Chico Lachowski)

chad - mf who usually has piercing low set eyes, sharp jaw, VERY good facial harmony (Jordan Barrett)

absolutely makes me laugh out loud, because these are the same dudes going around and confidently rating people 💀
Ratings are so ass, I’ve been rated LTN, MTN, and HTN recently. People also used to say I was boneless and needed trimax and now I have good forward growth and zygos so they were flat out wrong. I know 99% of people can relate, so ratings are entirely pointless and hold no value. Aslong as you’re not a Chad or a Truecel, it’s comes down to HEIGHT and NT. And these newgens are a huge problem, they need to go. I can’t act like I didn’t do the same, because when I was a gray I would rate everyone a chadlite or chad. But these newgens coming in here saying shit like

PSL - high masculinity (not in body context)
Appeal - good facial features, facial harmony
for example James Sapphire after surgeries has low appeal and high PSL

SUB-5 - person with bad facial harmony and features (avg stranger with negative cantal tilt)
prettyboy - mf who has mid facial features and good harmony (basedbw owner)
chadlite - mf who has good facial features and good harmony (Chico Lachowski)

chad - mf who usually has piercing low set eyes, sharp jaw, VERY good facial harmony (Jordan Barrett)

absolutely makes me laugh out loud, because these are the same dudes going around and confidently rating people 💀
What does that all mean