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Should I feel bad about my 3 inch lifts


Well-known member
Sep 23, 2024
I'm 5'11.5 naturally. Despite being LTN I feel my existence would be so based if I was actually that tall. I just wear them in the club lol.

Honestly they're kinda epic. My feet won't change size for my whole life. I have these tools aslong as I want. Atleast I'm doing something instead of rotting
I'm 5'11.5 naturally. Despite being LTN I feel my existence would be so based if I was actually that tall. I just wear them in the club lol.

Honestly they're kinda epic. My feet won't change size for my whole life. I have these tools aslong as I want. Atleast I'm doing something instead of rotting
Yes , height frauding is the worst crime ever.
Look at how clavicular got roasted for femboy maxing versus how accepted it is to wear lifts. Everyone does it
Do you think women would find it acceptable?how embarrassing would it me if I stuffed my bra? I'm not saying that you should cake your face only that that's slightly better than wearing lifts
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Do you think women would find it acceptable?how embarrassing would it me if I stuffed my bra? I'm not saying that you should cake your face only that that's slightly better than wearing lifts
In my head it's not that embarrassing if you're already tall and I'm borderline 6 foot. Also pushup bras exist
Do you think women would find it acceptable?how embarrassing would it me if I stuffed my bra? I'm not saying that you should cake your face only that that's slightly better than wearing lifts
Maybe I'm wrong idk but most men you see on media already wear makeup
In my head it's not that embarrassing if you're already tall and I'm borderline 6 foot.
I guess it doesn't matter in your case nobody would tell..but imo just lie about being 6 foot at that point
Also pushup bras exist
And the moment women take them off yall get disappointed , I've heard it it's ok
