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should i get a straight perm again or keep taking care of my curly hair?


Aug 28, 2024
nun too serious js need opinions LMFAO im growing my hair out and ive been taking care of my curls since like mid october of 2023, but i’ve dyed, cut, and done so much to it but since id do trims so often its short as hell rn cause of shrinkage n all, the pictures with straight hair r frm like early 8th grade but my profile picture is frm like 2 weeks ago when i straightened it, my hairs dyed brown rn since i wanted to go back to like its natural color after dying it red, and at an attempt of honey blonde but ts js looked orange , many people say that straight hair suits me more, but idk cause also many people tell me not to ruin my hair and that curly hair suits me more so idk


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nun too serious js need opinions LMFAO im growing my hair out and ive been taking care of my curls since like mid october of 2023, but i’ve dyed, cut, and done so much to it but since id do trims so often its short as hell rn cause of shrinkage n all, the pictures with straight hair r frm like early 8th grade but my profile picture is frm like 2 weeks ago when i straightened it, my hairs dyed brown rn since i wanted to go back to like its natural color after dying it red, and at an attempt of honey blonde but ts js looked orange , many people say that straight hair suits me more, but idk cause also many people tell me not to ruin my hair and that curly hair suits me more so idk
Make it straight and lose some weight.
nun too serious js need opinions LMFAO im growing my hair out and ive been taking care of my curls since like mid october of 2023, but i’ve dyed, cut, and done so much to it but since id do trims so often its short as hell rn cause of shrinkage n all, the pictures with straight hair r frm like early 8th grade but my profile picture is frm like 2 weeks ago when i straightened it, my hairs dyed brown rn since i wanted to go back to like its natural color after dying it red, and at an attempt of honey blonde but ts js looked orange , many people say that straight hair suits me more, but idk cause also many people tell me not to ruin my hair and that curly hair suits me more so idk
Leanmax asap jfl
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  • #14
It’s hard to say, straight frames your face better, but curly hair has more character. If you grow the curls out longer, I’d recommend curly, otherwise, straight would work. By the way, what’s your ethnicity?
im arab, idk if u could tell or wtv cause alot of people mistake me for being hispanic or mixed w black but im js arab, and yes i ive been growing my hair out since longer hair does suit me way more, i js had to do the big chop cause it was half straight half curly & i wanted to make sure my hair was healthy
im arab, idk if u could tell or wtv cause alot of people mistake me for being hispanic or mixed w black but im js arab, and yes i ive been growing my hair out since longer hair does suit me way more, i js had to do the big chop cause it was half straight half curly & i wanted to make sure my hair was healthy
What kind of Arab?

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