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Experience Should I go with this approach for my crush?

Dec 10, 2024
We’ve been in the same setting/area for a while now. We haven’t talked yet, but I was thinking I could go with a calm approach, and start making small progress at first, take it further and see how he reacts. I’m starting with a small smile to greet him tomorrow, and see how he reacts, I though that’d be great to little bit get his attention but not be too straightforward and like I’m obsessed and craving his attention crazy weirdo type way, and if he takes it positively/neutrally I could end up giving him a small “cya tomorrow” and the next day maybe chat with him a bit. I need advice on what I should initiate a conversation with him about though 🤔 and I also need help, is my approach a good way to go? Any tips and suggestions are accepted and welcome!! 🙏🙏🤍
We’ve been in the same setting/area for a while now. We haven’t talked yet, but I was thinking I could go with a calm approach, and start making small progress at first, take it further and see how he reacts. I’m starting with a small smile to greet him tomorrow, and see how he reacts, I though that’d be great to little bit get his attention but not be too straightforward and like I’m obsessed and craving his attention crazy weirdo type way, and if he takes it positively/neutrally I could end up giving him a small “cya tomorrow” and the next day maybe chat with him a bit. I need advice on what I should initiate a conversation with him about though 🤔 and I also need help, is my approach a good way to go? Any tips and suggestions are accepted and welcome!! 🙏🙏🤍
Yess you should! Honestly talk to him like how you would with any person you want to be friends with, don’t overthink it.
We’ve been in the same setting/area for a while now. We haven’t talked yet, but I was thinking I could go with a calm approach, and start making small progress at first, take it further and see how he reacts. I’m starting with a small smile to greet him tomorrow, and see how he reacts, I though that’d be great to little bit get his attention but not be too straightforward and like I’m obsessed and craving his attention crazy weirdo type way, and if he takes it positively/neutrally I could end up giving him a small “cya tomorrow” and the next day maybe chat with him a bit. I need advice on what I should initiate a conversation with him about though 🤔 and I also need help, is my approach a good way to go? Any tips and suggestions are accepted and welcome!! 🙏🙏🤍
Perfect. And then once he is 100% into you, ask for his number, talk a little bit and then coffee date