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Should I use height fraud shoes


Established Member
May 7, 2024
I always see mfs at school with shoes that give 1 inch or above shoe boost and my shoes don’t give as much (pretty much nothing) should I go for it and use basketball shoes or sun chit
I always see mfs at school with shoes that give 1 inch or above shoe boost and my shoes don’t give as much (pretty much nothing) should I go for it and use basketball shoes or sun chit
what shoes do u usually wear?
Do not use it at the gym. If yoh deadlift or squats it raises your foot In way that inhibits your strength big time. I tried flat foot deadlift and was stronger around 20%
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  • #11
Do not use it at the gym. If yoh deadlift or squats it raises your foot In way that inhibits your strength big time. I tried flat foot deadlift and was stronger around 20%
Ok good to know
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  • #12
maybe just get bulkier,more platformed shoes i heard shoe booster hurt (esp if your wearing it 6 hrs 5 days a week)
No I just wanna try like basketball shoes or sum
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  • #14
oh yh than definitely they look nice and larp height also may look like u play basketball(idk if that is an attractive sport where u live)
It is and I used to so that’s good thank you
I always see mfs at school with shoes that give 1 inch or above shoe boost and my shoes don’t give as much (pretty much nothing) should I go for it and use basketball shoes or sun chit
Ur 6' 3
Shoes lift should never be Your primary walking shoes. The effects it has on your postural chain is comical. Of course short term people who use it won't notice but give it a few years. Also it effects your comfortability with your height and might give you slight health dysphoria. You will get used to them.and when you don't wear them you.will feel worse. Not saying they can't be used. I prefer spinal decompression and ways to maximize your natural posture because at least those last with or with out shoes. Though it's not as easy to gain.
