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JFL skinnyfat is a curse from God

you sound like a victim, you are a man and you are already at an advantage to put on muscle. get into the gym, lift heavy, and eat high protein. “genes and shitty hormones” please show me proof of this😭 just do what you have to do bro stop complaining.
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  • #4
you sound like a victim, you are a man and you are already at an advantage to put on muscle. get into the gym, lift heavy, and eat high protein. “genes and shitty hormones” please show me proof of this😭 just do what you have to do bro stop complaining.
yeah ik im lazy asf but ive been fixing my diet. progress is slow so its annoying
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  • #5
you sound like a victim, you are a man and you are already at an advantage to put on muscle. get into the gym, lift heavy, and eat high protein. “genes and shitty hormones” please show me proof of this😭 just do what you have to do bro stop complaining.
also i am so high inhib idk if i can do stuff like bench press cause i can prob only bench the barbell with no weights jfl
also i am so high inhib idk if i can do stuff like bench press cause i can prob only bench the barbell with no weights jfl
if you have a smith machine i suggest doing incline bench press on there instead of regular bench tbh. i just use the bench when i wanna do PRs and shit for fun.
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  • #8
you’re more capable than you think. it takes many months, even years. i believe in you bro, you’ve got this. :peepoclap:
patience is key but i have no patience. used to watch so many transformation videos as a kid where they became moggers in less than a year, ik now its bs 99% of the time but i still cant seem to not feel disappointed when i dont see any major change in a month or two
patience is key but i have no patience. used to watch so many transformation videos as a kid where they became moggers in less than a year, ik now its bs 99% of the time but i still cant seem to not feel disappointed when i dont see any major change in a month or two
i feel you bro, this is why you need to just take it day by day. focus on the day you’re in and it will compound and progress will be made. focusing too much on the future makes you overthink things way too much.
Have you considered hopping on gear? Not necessarily sarms But, some enhancements
Only solutions for skinny fat curse with shitty genetics and short frame are :

1/ Leanbulk on whole foods and get rid of junk food. Seed oils and refined carbs will makes you fatter and wreck your hormones

2/ Compound (even weighted deficit push-ups) movements with big streches, on full body workouts, 3x per week. Can add isolation like forearms work and lateral raises. Don't ever train directly your upper traps so you don't get the water bottle frame

3/ Blood test to check any hormones problems and micronutrients deficiencies, hop on medical trt and supplements if needed

4/ Only cardio allowed : inclined walking, rucking and stair master

5/ Hop on Creatine, L-citrulline and Vitamin D for body recomp
you sound like a victim, you are a man and you are already at an advantage to put on muscle. get into the gym, lift heavy, and eat high protein. “genes and shitty hormones” please show me proof of this😭 just do what you have to do bro stop complaining.
Everyone could lose weight bro. It's not hard of a thing. IF they didn't live in third world countries with broke family, then they would afford to eat red meat everyday. If you were born into a rich family in a rich country and you're fat/skinnyfat and can't lose weight, respectfully, unalive.
Everyone could lose weight bro. It's not hard of a thing. IF they didn't live in third world countries with broke family, then they would afford to eat red meat everyday. If you were born into a rich family in a rich country and you're fat/skinnyfat and can't lose weight, respectfully, unalive.
i agree bro
results are not instantaneous
put in the work

if you really wanted something that bad, you would put in the effort no matter what and not have victim mentality or mental masturbation

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