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Info Some Aspects About The Future Of Our Industrialized Society


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
1-The future is to embrace the ultra processment of food completely.
The rejection of ultra processed food that answer the problem of increasing more people then we can take care off have only created more unhealthy ´´natural`` food that is full of toxin. Every single ´´fit and healthy``` food is unhealthy and corrupted. The present is already unhealthy but society didn't embraced it totally.
The future is to embrace the ultra processment of food completely.
Eat wherever is cheaper and tastier.

The increasing isolation developed due to social and industrial interaction will lead to a future where majority of people dont have ´´real life`` friends or anyone outside family with any sort of intimacy.
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  • #5
In the past, the world population was growing at a rate that would exceed the rate of increase in food production. The consequence would be death by starvation. This problem was overcome by new technologies that allowed food to be diluted with chemicals. These ultra-processed foods only became more frequent as the world population continued to grow. Since industrial foods have better logistics for mass feeding, population growth makes the consumption of industrial foods mandatory for all those who do not have the resources to maintain a more natural and expensive food structure. In this current moment of transition between natural and ultra-processed foods, we are moving towards a point where the lower class is forced to eat industrially and the middle class can eat healthier. However, with the growth of global inflation and the decrease in the respective increase in the devaluation of global purchasing power, the middle class is becoming the new lower class and will be forced to adopt an industrial food structure because they will not have the resources for natural and healthy food. Since the market still wants to sell healthy products to the middle class, they invent marketing about fruits, vegetables and other foods that are seen as healthy or natural, but these foods are contaminated by pesticides and other problems that make them affordable, revealing the truth that our entire food structure for the lower and middle classes is already compromised. But since these natural foods are still more expensive to eat due to the price, cooking steps and time needed to prepare them, the cheaper and less healthy foods will still be popularized by the entire middle class.
In the past, the world population was growing at a rate that would exceed the rate of increase in food production. The consequence would be death by starvation. This problem was overcome by new technologies that allowed food to be diluted with chemicals. These ultra-processed foods only became more frequent as the world population continued to grow. Since industrial foods have better logistics for mass feeding, population growth makes the consumption of industrial foods mandatory for all those who do not have the resources to maintain a more natural and expensive food structure. In this current moment of transition between natural and ultra-processed foods, we are moving towards a point where the lower class is forced to eat industrially and the middle class can eat healthier. However, with the growth of global inflation and the decrease in the respective increase in the devaluation of global purchasing power, the middle class is becoming the new lower class and will be forced to adopt an industrial food structure because they will not have the resources for natural and healthy food. Since the market still wants to sell healthy products to the middle class, they invent marketing about fruits, vegetables and other foods that are seen as healthy or natural, but these foods are contaminated by pesticides and other problems that make them affordable, revealing the truth that our entire food structure for the lower and middle classes is already compromised. But since these natural foods are still more expensive to eat due to the price, cooking steps and time needed to prepare them, the cheaper and less healthy foods will still be popularized by the entire middle class.
i know
At least in the US UK and Canada
Maybe some others too
You can just buy meat. Fuck fruits, only low T losers eat them. Real men consume only meat and other animal products

I live on the outskirts of the city tho, so it's 10x easier to get actual farm meat here. Still can't get raw milk, it's illegal to sell in Russia 😭 . I'll find a way eventually tho. No way some 65 year old farmer named Tomara with 3 cows is gonna know that it's illegal. I just need to find her
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  • #14
You can just buy meat. f**k fruits, only low T losers eat them. Real men consume only meat and other animal products

I live on the outskirts of the city tho, so it's 10x easier to get actual farm meat here. Still can't get raw milk, it's illegal to sell in Russia 😭 . I'll find a way eventually tho. No way some 65 year old farmer named Tomara with 3 cows is gonna know that it's illegal. I just need to find her
Meat will become increasingly expansive till your best option is fake meat like hamburguer meat or something like nuggets.
Meat will become increasingly expansive till your best option is fake meat like hamburguer meat or something like nuggets.
Or we kill all the jews and the world becomes good again. Genocidepill and Hitlerpill seem OP, I'm not gonna lie

Plus, by the moment that stuff starts taking place, I'll be rich enough to not care xd, so whatever. Also, if they'll finally manage to make affordable artificial meat, it's gonna be cheap for them to make + nutritionally good for us. Powerful pedos get money, people get meat. Can be a double W instead of pedos W, people L
It will be full elitism in few years. Only people who can buy a house in a rural town outside of China, America, UK and Canada, and have access to raw food will live better.

Goyslop and goon for y'all, and few jabs

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