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  • #3
he has nothing for you=you desire him

autism but for some reason many foids desire a seeming one sided attraction
wait is that a copy paste thing he sent me? i genuinly wanna get to know him and shit like all i do all day is sit in bed and play video games watch tv and browse forums thats simply why he seems perfect
wait is that a copy paste thing he sent me? i genuinly wanna get to know him and shit like all i do all day is sit in bed and play video games watch tv and browse forums thats simply why he seems perfect
Yeah probably copy and paste it into Google and see what pops up
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Yeah probably copy and paste it into Google and see what pops up
i did nothimg rlly came up just a reddit post about work
All women have "types and preferences" until they witness my beauty