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Discussion started going crazy


school mogger
May 31, 2024
Recently, especially since I've gotten into looksmaxxing I have started seeing the world in a completely different light. I'll often find myself subconsciously analyzing someone's face, in order to form an opinion on them. Doesn't matter if their my friends of not I'll constantly be analyzing their faces and assigning them a PSL, this also applies when I'm walking in public if I see a sub 5 on the street I'll instantly lose all respect for them and assume their worthlessness in society. I've also become hyper obsessed with how I look constantly leaving public events to look in a mirror to make sure my hair/skin is looking good. Finally anytime I see a couple together instead of looking at them and feeling happy for them I constantly assess them to make sure their an equal looksmatch.

Am I the asshole? Because I sure feel like it
youre not an ass

ive heard of this happening to people since 2022, has obviously happened before
its normal at the beginning of blackpill
you just gotta distance yourself a bit from looksmaxxing, learn its not all there is to life
enjoy yourself and time with others
learn to let go
dont think too hard about that stuff
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youre not an ass

ive heard of this happening to people since 2022, has obviously happened before
its normal at the beginning of blackpill
you just gotta distance yourself a bit from looksmaxxing, learn its not all there is to life
enjoy yourself and time with others
learn to let go
dont think too hard about that stuff
cheers man, It's hard to not think about it though especially since it's so subconscious and I don't try to do it so to speak. As well as the fact i've been a perfectionist since as early as I can remember and now with the introduction of looksmaxxing into my life its given me something else to think about/worry about
Recently, especially since I've gotten into looksmaxxing I have started seeing the world in a completely different light. I'll often find myself subconsciously analyzing someone's face, in order to form an opinion on them. Doesn't matter if their my friends of not I'll constantly be analyzing their faces and assigning them a PSL, this also applies when I'm walking in public if I see a sub 5 on the street I'll instantly lose all respect for them and assume their worthlessness in society. I've also become hyper obsessed with how I look constantly leaving public events to look in a mirror to make sure my hair/skin is looking good. Finally anytime I see a couple together instead of looking at them and feeling happy for them I constantly assess them to make sure their an equal looksmatch.

Am I the asshole? Because I sure feel like it
yes you're brainrotting

go outside more and remember that the world doesnt float around psl gods

the people who are deciding our fate are probably fat fucks but that doesnt matter because they are smart

looks matter only till a certain point, they do matter but on a big scale none gives a fuck about them
Same. Feel disgust towards sub5s, see chadlites with mtbs as low iq cucks and feel like laughing every time I see males below 175 cm talk
Same. Feel disgust towards sub5s, see chadlites with mtbs as low iq cucks and feel like laughing every time I see males below 175 cm talk
I’ve starting guesstimating the average rating of places by looking at everyone’s face, unmatched tism
its not as extreme in my case but i check for failos in people and the first thing i look at people faces are thier failos

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