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Experience Status is often more important than looks (stay with me now)


Jul 7, 2024
My friends are always hating on my boyfriend. Mostly, they call him ugly. Is he ugly? No, he’s objectively average facially. But the thing is:

He’s not popular. He gets harassed, a lot of people consider him weird, he dresses kinda emo. Now theres a guy that a lot of girls like. He’s funny, popular, and also ugly. He’s recessed, has acne, he’s below average height, his hair is always messy and is just not very nice to look at. If he had been raised differently, or was on the spectrum, or had some other hindrance that led him to not be popular he would be considered ugly, girls wouldn’t like him and he would probably die alone.

What this thread is actually going to focus on is my friends and other women. My friends obviously care about status more than looks. Many women (like me) will end up falling for a guy who isn’t very popular, but their friends and women online will convince them that they deserve “better”, even though they’re happy with that guy. My friends who are the same in terms of status as me and my bf, chase men who are above them in status, like the guy i had mentioned earlier.
My friends are always hating on my boyfriend. Mostly, they call him ugly. Is he ugly? No, he’s objectively average facially. But the thing is:

He’s not popular. He gets harassed, a lot of people consider him weird, he dresses kinda emo. Now theres a guy that a lot of girls like. He’s funny, popular, and also ugly. He’s recessed, has acne, he’s below average height, his hair is always messy and is just not very nice to look at. If he had been raised differently, or was on the spectrum, or had some other hindrance that led him to not be popular he would be considered ugly, girls wouldn’t like him and he would probably die alone.

What this thread is actually going to focus on is my friends and other women. My friends obviously care about status more than looks. Many women (like me) will end up falling for a guy who isn’t very popular, but their friends and women online will convince them that they deserve “better”, even though they’re happy with that guy. My friends who are the same in terms of status as me and my bf, chase men who are above them in status, like the guy i had mentioned earlier.
It really does depend on certain circumstances and setting. There are worse looking people than me that get attention and have girlfriends, but are statusmaxxed like crazy. Overall, looks > status cannot be disputed as a rule, but there are exceptions.
My friends are always hating on my boyfriend. Mostly, they call him ugly. Is he ugly? No, he’s objectively average facially. But the thing is:

He’s not popular. He gets harassed, a lot of people consider him weird, he dresses kinda emo. Now theres a guy that a lot of girls like. He’s funny, popular, and also ugly. He’s recessed, has acne, he’s below average height, his hair is always messy and is just not very nice to look at. If he had been raised differently, or was on the spectrum, or had some other hindrance that led him to not be popular he would be considered ugly, girls wouldn’t like him and he would probably die alone.

What this thread is actually going to focus on is my friends and other women. My friends obviously care about status more than looks. Many women (like me) will end up falling for a guy who isn’t very popular, but their friends and women online will convince them that they deserve “better”, even though they’re happy with that guy. My friends who are the same in terms of status as me and my bf, chase men who are above them in status, like the guy i had mentioned earlier.
My friends are always hating on my boyfriend. Mostly, they call him ugly. Is he ugly? No, he’s objectively average facially. But the thing is:

He’s not popular. He gets harassed, a lot of people consider him weird, he dresses kinda emo. Now theres a guy that a lot of girls like. He’s funny, popular, and also ugly. He’s recessed, has acne, he’s below average height, his hair is always messy and is just not very nice to look at. If he had been raised differently, or was on the spectrum, or had some other hindrance that led him to not be popular he would be considered ugly, girls wouldn’t like him and he would probably die alone.

What this thread is actually going to focus on is my friends and other women. My friends obviously care about status more than looks. Many women (like me) will end up falling for a guy who isn’t very popular, but their friends and women online will convince them that they deserve “better”, even though they’re happy with that guy. My friends who are the same in terms of status as me and my bf, chase men who are above them in status, like the guy i had mentioned earlier.
Status matters so much because it's part of women's hypergamous nature; most women tend to want to date someone who is above their own level. I would even go as far as to say that the only reason looks matter, or the biggest reason, is because they contribute to a person's status.
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  • #12
Status matters so much because it's part of women's hypergamous nature; most women tend to want to date someone who is above their own level. I would even go as far as to say that the only reason looks matter, or the biggest reason, is because they contribute to a person's status.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13
It really does depend on certain circumstances and setting. There are worse looking people than me that get attention and have girlfriends, but are statusmaxxed like crazy. Overall, looks > status cannot be disputed as a rule, but there are exceptions.
id say once you get out of school looks definitely trumps status
My friends are always hating on my boyfriend. Mostly, they call him ugly. Is he ugly? No, he’s objectively average facially. But the thing is:

He’s not popular. He gets harassed, a lot of people consider him weird, he dresses kinda emo. Now theres a guy that a lot of girls like. He’s funny, popular, and also ugly. He’s recessed, has acne, he’s below average height, his hair is always messy and is just not very nice to look at. If he had been raised differently, or was on the spectrum, or had some other hindrance that led him to not be popular he would be considered ugly, girls wouldn’t like him and he would probably die alone.

What this thread is actually going to focus on is my friends and other women. My friends obviously care about status more than looks. Many women (like me) will end up falling for a guy who isn’t very popular, but their friends and women online will convince them that they deserve “better”, even though they’re happy with that guy. My friends who are the same in terms of status as me and my bf, chase men who are above them in status, like the guy i had mentioned earlier.
id say once you get out of school looks definitely trumps status
I disagree, Looks matters more in school because girls have lower standards for finances, status, house, etc. They can just freely date based on height, Looks, race(although this is tricky). Later on standards will also include finances and status because they are at an adult age meaning these things become relevant and more important.
Living worrying about status of someone is to have a rooted inside. I don't want to date gold diggers or sexual addicted person. I am more worried about my own "spiritual" healthyness.
Staying away from people help. People are almost all toxic.
Redpill cope.
Status only matters if it's insane (famous level). You may be seeing your boyfriend with higher looks than reality because you are in love.
Living worrying about status of someone is to have a rooted inside. I don't want to date gold diggers or sexual addicted person. I am more worried about my own "spiritual" healthyness.
Staying away from people help. People are almost all toxic.
U could say the same about people dating/judging by looks (in this case everyone does it even unconsciously)
Status matters so much because it's part of women's hypergamous nature; most women tend to want to date someone who is above their own level. I would even go as far as to say that the only reason looks matter, or the biggest reason, is because they contribute to a person's status.
Basically admitting that your looks are your status
Basically admitting that your looks are your status
it’d be naïve to claim my looks aren’t part of my status, just like it would be foolish to believe that if I were a millionaire, people liked me solely for my personality and not my money. Sure, some people don’t care about status, but they’re a rare minority, almost nonexistent.
it’d be naïve to claim my looks aren’t part of my status, just like it would be foolish to believe that if I were a millionaire, people liked me solely for my personality and not my money. Sure, some people don’t care about status, but they’re a rare minority, almost nonexistent.
status doesn't matter unless it's huge because your looks are your status when you are an average wage person or teen.
the only cases when status are separated from your looks is when you are millonare or famous.
So basically OP's boyfriend is probably ugly.
status doesn't matter unless it's huge because your looks are your status when you are an average wage person or teen.
the only cases when status are separated from your looks is when you are millonare or famous.
So basically OP's boyfriend is probably ugly.
Status isn’t just about looks, bro. It’s a much broader concept. Are you saying that when you were a teen, the only people at your school with a high status were good looking teens? That’s bullshit.

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