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Experience Statusmaxxing is real


Retarded Incel
Oct 7, 2023
So me being a LTN had never got any love life and felt envious of everyone else so my incel behaviour started from there and then there's my friend, he's not attractive at all like he's borderline subhuman but since he is extroverted asf, extremely confident and charismatic he is respected by some admired by many, and to top it all of he's a rapper and sings as a hobby too so he has a very high status in my school and even outside, He has shown me DMs of him sexting and many women who he has ghosted because he's not interested, that confirmed one thing, if your status is high enough it can substitute for your looks.
That's my personal experience but even among celebrities you can see many beautiful women dating absolutely incel men because of their fame.
still its fake , because people admire you because they can profit or use you
whereas when you are good looking , its more of a primal drive ( because ure genetically superior )
So me being a LTN had never got any love life and felt envious of everyone else so my incel behaviour started from there and then there's my friend, he's not attractive at all like he's borderline subhuman but since he is extroverted asf, extremely confident and charismatic he is respected by some admired by many, and to top it all of he's a rapper and sings as a hobby too so he has a very high status in my school and even outside, He has shown me DMs of him sexting and many women who he has ghosted because he's not interested, that confirmed one thing, if your status is high enough it can substitute for your looks.
That's my personal experience but even among celebrities you can see many beautiful women dating absolutely incel men because of their fame.
Lamine yamal would like to disagree.
And remember kids blackpill always comes to collect.
i can testify for this to some extent

im probably about the opposite of your friend i get complimented on my looks pretty often on the internet and irl but my status ruins it all

my status at my school ruins my chances of getting with a guy i like and know irl, i might as well be actually retarded because thats how people treat me

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