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    This is a public discussion forum. The owners, staff, and users of this website ARE NOT engaged in rendering professional services to the individual reader. DO NOT use the content of this website as an alternative to personal examination and advice from licenced healthcare providers. DO NOT begin, delay, or discontinue treatments and/or exercises without licenced medical supervision. Learn more


I like the saying, "stop coping start hoping" goes hard
we need to make this forum better, the UI is DOGSHIT look like a copied of and people in this forum only signup ask for a rating then leave. and idk this site have a problem with reps cus reacting isnt common here
25k members but 25 online?!?!
View attachment 28954
a shit ton of people make accounts asking for ratings then dip, so most of those members are not active or helpful
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Why was the video deleted?? :shreg:
Sorry I got like -20 subs posting that people still haven't learned what our mission is. But it's on TikTok and Instagram still I'll reupload on YouTube with a better format so people won't think I'm going incel 🤣. Just saying looksmax makes people think iv gone ape shit
Sorry I got like -20 subs posting that people still haven't learned what our mission is. But it's on TikTok and Instagram still I'll reupload on YouTube with a better format so people won't think I'm going incel 🤣. Just saying looksmax makes people think iv gone ape shit
we have to change the stigma associated with looksmax 🤝
we have to change the stigma associated with looksmax 🤝
This is prime time for business; we are already behind the game.

There's still a buttload of potential for this place, and you have a .com which makes it invaluable.

We are about looksmaxxing, not looksmax

We want to spread the truth

We want to help people

We want to provide the information and guidance that everyone is seeking for

There's been ENOUGH chatting, criticizing, and childishness. Now is the time to redefine looksmaxxing
This is prime time for business; we are already behind the game.

There's still a buttload of potential for this place, and you have a .com which makes it invaluable.

We are about looksmaxxing, not looksmax

We want to spread the truth

We want to help people

We want to provide the information and guidance that everyone is seeking for

There's been ENOUGH chatting, criticizing, and childishness. Now is the time to redefine looksmaxxing
that's what's up

@Hououin Kyouma the goat
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
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  • #13
This is prime time for business; we are already behind the game.

There's still a buttload of potential for this place, and you have a .com which makes it invaluable.

We are about looksmaxxing, not looksmax

We want to spread the truth

We want to help people

We want to provide the information and guidance that everyone is seeking for

There's been ENOUGH chatting, criticizing, and childishness. Now is the time to redefine looksmaxxing

That's right ! We looksmax in here maggot! We don't mess with incel behavior! Do you understand me!
Hope not mope 🗣️🗣️

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