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Story Storytime about unhygienic girl in my school. dnrs do not enter


⇱ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔰 ⇲
Jul 30, 2023
I’m bored so here’s a storytime

As I’ve said before I moved to a new school in a new town back in November, I knew practically no one going in except for one girl who by chance was in my year in my old school and moved to the new one a couple of years before me but since I got the chance to repeat my transition year ( an optional non academic school year in Ireland where you go on trips, do work experience and projects) we were no longer in the same year. So I was essentially going in alone. On my first day I met this girl, I’ll call her Mary for the story’s sake. We met in a MUN class and she knew some people from my old town so I made friends with her and we began to hang out.

I made other friends as well but hanged around Mary the most. As time went on I noticed some things about Mary. I asked her on multiple occasions “who are your other friends” and she said “no one” so then I asked her “well who did you hang around before I got here” and again she said “no one”. This was odd because Mary was a very nice girl, she was a bit weird and cringe at times but not weird enough to have no friends and she actual really pretty.

As time went on I noticed more and more things about Mary. First thing I noticed was that she smelled, and by “smelled” I mean you could sit two rows behind her and smell her body odor from there. Since I would hang around her a lot I eventually became blind to it. Second thing I noticed were that her fingernails were fucking nasty, dirt all underneath them and to make matters worse, she would bite them. Another thing was that her teeth were green and I mean like turquoise green, It wasn’t that noticeable though and only affected a few of them.

After noticing all of this stuff I slowly began to realise why she had no friends and began to plot how I was going to get away from her without hurting her feelings. She had invited me over to her house and I don’t know what I was thinking but I said yes. But soon after this I had noticed the worst thing imaginable… We were sitting down in English class one day and she was positioned across the desk facing me, she put her head down to write something in her copybook and that’s when my heart dropped. Her hair was infested with lice…and by infested I mean fucking INFESTED, thousands of them just crawling in her hair, her scalp was bloody due to the lice eating away at it. That’s when I said fuck this shit, I need to get away from this girl. I gave her an excuse about the sleep over saying that my auntie was coming over to my house and I had to stay home because there was no fucking way I was going to her house.

Thankfully by this point I had other friends, we’ll call them cassie and Haysey (both girls). One day I went to town with cassie so she could show me around since I was still new to town at this point. That’s when she warned me about mary and told me she had lice, I told her I already knew and I was trying to get away from her. We met up with some other people in our year in town who told me more about Mary’s reputation in the school and why she had no friends. Apparently Mary is a massive whore, she had a sex tape leaked from when she was like 14 and gave someone head in the school bathrooms. They showed me videos of her getting off with some girl and plenty more lore about her hygiene and she would take the lice out of her hair and crush them with the end of her pen in class or even sometimes EAT THEM. That’s when I said to myself “yep I need to get away from this girl immediately”

But a new problem arises, Haysey who was cassies best friend was for some reason getting closer with Mary, I’m pretty sure we told her about the lice so I don’t know what she was thinking.

Cassie was absolutely terrified of getting lice so I hung around her while Haysey hung around Mary. Eventually Mary and Haysey fell out over some other shit (I’m not going to bother explaining that), and so I finally was freed from the shackles of being her friend. I felt kind of guilty though, she was really nice but just her hygiene was fucking terrible, she really had no shame as well. Apparently she told Haysey that her bed was infested with lice AND SHE INVITED THE BOTH OF US FOR A SLEEPOVER. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.

During all of this I was acting very distant towards Mary and she knew something was up. So eventually I sent her this.
(See screenshot below)

And that was that, we never spoke again.

This all happened in the span of like 2 and a half weeks.

I ended up getting some more info about her. Apparently she’s had the lice since primary school. So I knew she would never get it treated. After this she blamed multiple different people for the lice including Haysey after they had fallen out. Since then she cut her hair a bit shorter (she used to have very long her that she flick at you and it would give you a jump scare everytime) but I don’t know if the lice are gone. She admitted her body count is like 11 at FIFFUCKINGTEEN and last I heard she had a boyfriend that was THREE years below us. I don’t really know what’s been going on with her since summer started but I used to feel bad in school because she spent most of her time in the bathrooms alone and barely showed up to school. I felt so unbelievably conflicted.
Ah it what it isIMG_2601.jpeg
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  • #3
With lice and horrible hygiene How'd she have a sex tape people would smash anything with pulse huh?
I never realised how desperate certain men really were until I found out about that and her body count. It's actually unbelievable... certain people have no standards. My friends even spoke about this, LIKE HOW DOES THE SMELL AND THE LICE NOT TURN YOU OFF COMPLETELY
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
With lice and horrible hygiene How'd she have a sex tape people would smash anything with pulse huh?
She wasn't ugly though actually really pretty with a lot of potential. If she took care of herself she'd be a low htb. Maybe that was it??
I never realised how desperate certain men really were until I found out about that and her body count. It's actually unbelievable... certain people have no standards. My friends even spoke about this, LIKE HOW DOES THE SMELL AND THE LICE NOT TURN YOU OFF COMPLETELY
Society might be over if this is what's happening in schools rn
I’m bored so here’s a storytime

As I’ve said before I moved to a new school in a new town back in November, I knew practically no one going in except for one girl who by chance was in my year in my old school and moved to the new one a couple of years before me but since I got the chance to repeat my transition year ( an optional non academic school year in Ireland where you go on trips, do work experience and projects) we were no longer in the same year. So I was essentially going in alone. On my first day I met this girl, I’ll call her Mary for the story’s sake. We met in a MUN class and she knew some people from my old town so I made friends with her and we began to hang out.

I made other friends as well but hanged around Mary the most. As time went on I noticed some things about Mary. I asked her on multiple occasions “who are your other friends” and she said “no one” so then I asked her “well who did you hang around before I got here” and again she said “no one”. This was odd because Mary was a very nice girl, she was a bit weird and cringe at times but not weird enough to have no friends and she actual really pretty.

As time went on I noticed more and more things about Mary. First thing I noticed was that she smelled, and by “smelled” I mean you could sit two rows behind her and smell her body odor from there. Since I would hang around her a lot I eventually became blind to it. Second thing I noticed were that her fingernails were f*****g nasty, dirt all underneath them and to make matters worse, she would bite them. Another thing was that her teeth were green and I mean like turquoise green, It wasn’t that noticeable though and only affected a few of them.

After noticing all of this stuff I slowly began to realise why she had no friends and began to plot how I was going to get away from her without hurting her feelings. She had invited me over to her house and I don’t know what I was thinking but I said yes. But soon after this I had noticed the worst thing imaginable… We were sitting down in English class one day and she was positioned across the desk facing me, she put her head down to write something in her copybook and that’s when my heart dropped. Her hair was infested with lice…and by infested I mean f*****g INFESTED, thousands of them just crawling in her hair, her scalp was bloody due to the lice eating away at it. That’s when I said f**k this shit, I need to get away from this girl. I gave her an excuse about the sleep over saying that my auntie was coming over to my house and I had to stay home because there was no f*****g way I was going to her house.

Thankfully by this point I had other friends, we’ll call them cassie and Haysey (both girls). One day I went to town with cassie so she could show me around since I was still new to town at this point. That’s when she warned me about mary and told me she had lice, I told her I already knew and I was trying to get away from her. We met up with some other people in our year in town who told me more about Mary’s reputation in the school and why she had no friends. Apparently Mary is a massive whore, she had a sex tape leaked from when she was like 14 and gave someone head in the school bathrooms. They showed me videos of her getting off with some girl and plenty more lore about her hygiene and she would take the lice out of her hair and crush them with the end of her pen in class or even sometimes EAT THEM. That’s when I said to myself “yep I need to get away from this girl immediately”

But a new problem arises, Haysey who was cassies best friend was for some reason getting closer with Mary, I’m pretty sure we told her about the lice so I don’t know what she was thinking.

Cassie was absolutely terrified of getting lice so I hung around her while Haysey hung around Mary. Eventually Mary and Haysey fell out over some other shit (I’m not going to bother explaining that), and so I finally was freed from the shackles of being her friend. I felt kind of guilty though, she was really nice but just her hygiene was f*****g terrible, she really had no shame as well. Apparently she told Haysey that her bed was infested with lice AND SHE INVITED THE BOTH OF US FOR A SLEEPOVER. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.

During all of this I was acting very distant towards Mary and she knew something was up. So eventually I sent her this.
(See screenshot below)

And that was that, we never spoke again.

This all happened in the span of like 2 and a half weeks.

I ended up getting some more info about her. Apparently she’s had the lice since primary school. So I knew she would never get it treated. After this she blamed multiple different people for the lice including Haysey after they had fallen out. Since then she cut her hair a bit shorter (she used to have very long her that she flick at you and it would give you a jump scare everytime) but I don’t know if the lice are gone. She admitted her body count is like 11 at FIFFUCKINGTEEN and last I heard she had a boyfriend that was THREE years below us. I don’t really know what’s been going on with her since summer started but I used to feel bad in school because she spent most of her time in the bathrooms alone and barely showed up to school. I felt so unbelievably conflicted.
Ah it what it isView attachment 36903
Using “over for me” in Snapchat talking to irls giga autist trait bud
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #23
she is mentally ill
you were polite in leaving her imo
I think she had a lot of shit going on at home. She told me a lot of crazy shit about herself in the first week of being friends with her. She told me her sister committed suicide when she was like 4, this was completely out of nowhere and I just said “oh” and she said it’s okay and that she didn’t care. Hayseg had also told me that her shower was broken and she showered in the school showers. Apparently her step father also burned down her house. Crazy shit, I think it makes sense she is the way she is.

Fuck this reminds me I forgot to mention a huge part of the story in the original paragraph. After me and her fell out, she would go in the bathrooms in school and pull the lice out of her hair and put them in tissue papers. The bathrooms were infested with lice on the floor because of her. Videos of it were going around people began avoiding the bathrooms
I think she had a lot of shit going on at home. She told me a lot of crazy shit about herself in the first week of being friends with her. She told me her sister committed suicide when she was like 4, this was completely out of nowhere and I just said “oh” and she said it’s okay and that she didn’t care. Hayseg had also told me that her shower was broken and she showered in the school showers. Apparently her step father also burned down her house. Crazy shit, I think it makes sense she is the way she is.

f**k this reminds me I forgot to mention a huge part of the story in the original paragraph. After me and her fell out, she would go in the bathrooms in school and pull the lice out of her hair and put them in tissue papers. The bathrooms were infested with lice on the floor because of her. Videos of it were going around people began avoiding the bathrooms
oh, i feel bad for her, she has a terrible living situation. i think she was trying to fix her appearance with the lice. and people are even more disgusted now
I’m bored so here’s a storytime

As I’ve said before I moved to a new school in a new town back in November, I knew practically no one going in except for one girl who by chance was in my year in my old school and moved to the new one a couple of years before me but since I got the chance to repeat my transition year ( an optional non academic school year in Ireland where you go on trips, do work experience and projects) we were no longer in the same year. So I was essentially going in alone. On my first day I met this girl, I’ll call her Mary for the story’s sake. We met in a MUN class and she knew some people from my old town so I made friends with her and we began to hang out.

I made other friends as well but hanged around Mary the most. As time went on I noticed some things about Mary. I asked her on multiple occasions “who are your other friends” and she said “no one” so then I asked her “well who did you hang around before I got here” and again she said “no one”. This was odd because Mary was a very nice girl, she was a bit weird and cringe at times but not weird enough to have no friends and she actual really pretty.

As time went on I noticed more and more things about Mary. First thing I noticed was that she smelled, and by “smelled” I mean you could sit two rows behind her and smell her body odor from there. Since I would hang around her a lot I eventually became blind to it. Second thing I noticed were that her fingernails were f*****g nasty, dirt all underneath them and to make matters worse, she would bite them. Another thing was that her teeth were green and I mean like turquoise green, It wasn’t that noticeable though and only affected a few of them.

After noticing all of this stuff I slowly began to realise why she had no friends and began to plot how I was going to get away from her without hurting her feelings. She had invited me over to her house and I don’t know what I was thinking but I said yes. But soon after this I had noticed the worst thing imaginable… We were sitting down in English class one day and she was positioned across the desk facing me, she put her head down to write something in her copybook and that’s when my heart dropped. Her hair was infested with lice…and by infested I mean f*****g INFESTED, thousands of them just crawling in her hair, her scalp was bloody due to the lice eating away at it. That’s when I said f**k this shit, I need to get away from this girl. I gave her an excuse about the sleep over saying that my auntie was coming over to my house and I had to stay home because there was no f*****g way I was going to her house.

Thankfully by this point I had other friends, we’ll call them cassie and Haysey (both girls). One day I went to town with cassie so she could show me around since I was still new to town at this point. That’s when she warned me about mary and told me she had lice, I told her I already knew and I was trying to get away from her. We met up with some other people in our year in town who told me more about Mary’s reputation in the school and why she had no friends. Apparently Mary is a massive whore, she had a sex tape leaked from when she was like 14 and gave someone head in the school bathrooms. They showed me videos of her getting off with some girl and plenty more lore about her hygiene and she would take the lice out of her hair and crush them with the end of her pen in class or even sometimes EAT THEM. That’s when I said to myself “yep I need to get away from this girl immediately”

But a new problem arises, Haysey who was cassies best friend was for some reason getting closer with Mary, I’m pretty sure we told her about the lice so I don’t know what she was thinking.

Cassie was absolutely terrified of getting lice so I hung around her while Haysey hung around Mary. Eventually Mary and Haysey fell out over some other shit (I’m not going to bother explaining that), and so I finally was freed from the shackles of being her friend. I felt kind of guilty though, she was really nice but just her hygiene was f*****g terrible, she really had no shame as well. Apparently she told Haysey that her bed was infested with lice AND SHE INVITED THE BOTH OF US FOR A SLEEPOVER. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.

During all of this I was acting very distant towards Mary and she knew something was up. So eventually I sent her this.
(See screenshot below)

And that was that, we never spoke again.

This all happened in the span of like 2 and a half weeks.

I ended up getting some more info about her. Apparently she’s had the lice since primary school. So I knew she would never get it treated. After this she blamed multiple different people for the lice including Haysey after they had fallen out. Since then she cut her hair a bit shorter (she used to have very long her that she flick at you and it would give you a jump scare everytime) but I don’t know if the lice are gone. She admitted her body count is like 11 at FIFFUCKINGTEEN and last I heard she had a boyfriend that was THREE years below us. I don’t really know what’s been going on with her since summer started but I used to feel bad in school because she spent most of her time in the bathrooms alone and barely showed up to school. I felt so unbelievably conflicted.
Ah it what it isView attachment 36903
Oral sex in the toilets at 14, a relationship with an 12 year old while she is 15. A body count of 11. Her head is so infested with lice that it’s bloody. Her teeth are the same color as Caribbean water. Damn it’s hard to believe she looked good with all these issues and even more tragic if she wasted her potential. What was her home situation like?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #27
Oral sex in the toilets at 14, a relationship with an 12 year old while she is 15. A body count of 11. Her head is so infested with lice that it’s bloody. Her teeth are the same color as Caribbean water. Damn it’s hard to believe she looked good with all these issues and even more tragic if she wasted her potential. What was her home situation like?
“She told me a lot of crazy shit about herself in the first week of being friends with her. She told me her sister committed suicide when she was like 4, this was completely out of nowhere and I just said “oh” and she said it’s okay and that she didn’t care. Haysey had also told me that her shower was broken and she showered in the school showers. Apparently her step father also burned down her house. Crazy shit, I think it makes sense she is the way she is.”

Ya her home situation wasn’t too great, she was a low mtb with low htb potential if she took care of herself
“She told me a lot of crazy shit about herself in the first week of being friends with her. She told me her sister committed suicide when she was like 4, this was completely out of nowhere and I just said “oh” and she said it’s okay and that she didn’t care. Haysey had also told me that her shower was broken and she showered in the school showers. Apparently her step father also burned down her house. Crazy shit, I think it makes sense she is the way she is.”

Ya her home situation wasn’t too great, she was a low mtb with low htb potential if she took care of herself
Tragic. When life deals you a bad hand, don’t make it worse by compounding it with poor decisions.
Oral sex in the toilets at 14, a relationship with an 12 year old while she is 15. A body count of 11. Her head is so infested with lice that it’s bloody. Her teeth are the same color as Caribbean water. Damn it’s hard to believe she looked good with all these issues and even more tragic if she wasted her potential. What was her home situation like?
11 at 15 is nothing to be shocked about. one girl from my school had fucked over 50 guys by that age
stds are an obvious hoax
"So yeah bro I got bumps on my face and cock and I have rashes on my back and you know I feel a little sick like I have the flu and I'm pissing blood I suspect it must be from the water I drank yesterday definitely not the 10 women I slept with bro"
"So yeah bro I got bumps on my face and cock and I have rashes on my back and you know I feel a little sick like I have the flu and I'm pissing blood I suspect it must be from the water I drank yesterday definitely not the 10 women I slept with bro"
View attachment 37354
10 is the average body count (at least for here, less in trad places). i dont think the average person is walking around with some made up disease. even actual escorts who got pumped by 300 guys dont seem to have anything
10 is the average body count (at least for here, less in trad places). i dont think the average person is walking around with some made up disease. even actual escorts who got pumped by 300 guys dont seem to have anything
Alright man when your pissing blood and have aids I warned you
10 is the average body count (at least for here, less in trad places). i dont think the average person is walking around with some made up disease. even actual escorts who got pumped by 300 guys dont seem to have anything
Escorts do have stds
I’m bored so here’s a storytime

As I’ve said before I moved to a new school in a new town back in November, I knew practically no one going in except for one girl who by chance was in my year in my old school and moved to the new one a couple of years before me but since I got the chance to repeat my transition year ( an optional non academic school year in Ireland where you go on trips, do work experience and projects) we were no longer in the same year. So I was essentially going in alone. On my first day I met this girl, I’ll call her Mary for the story’s sake. We met in a MUN class and she knew some people from my old town so I made friends with her and we began to hang out.

I made other friends as well but hanged around Mary the most. As time went on I noticed some things about Mary. I asked her on multiple occasions “who are your other friends” and she said “no one” so then I asked her “well who did you hang around before I got here” and again she said “no one”. This was odd because Mary was a very nice girl, she was a bit weird and cringe at times but not weird enough to have no friends and she actual really pretty.

As time went on I noticed more and more things about Mary. First thing I noticed was that she smelled, and by “smelled” I mean you could sit two rows behind her and smell her body odor from there. Since I would hang around her a lot I eventually became blind to it. Second thing I noticed were that her fingernails were fucking nasty, dirt all underneath them and to make matters worse, she would bite them. Another thing was that her teeth were green and I mean like turquoise green, It wasn’t that noticeable though and only affected a few of them.

After noticing all of this stuff I slowly began to realise why she had no friends and began to plot how I was going to get away from her without hurting her feelings. She had invited me over to her house and I don’t know what I was thinking but I said yes. But soon after this I had noticed the worst thing imaginable… We were sitting down in English class one day and she was positioned across the desk facing me, she put her head down to write something in her copybook and that’s when my heart dropped. Her hair was infested with lice…and by infested I mean fucking INFESTED, thousands of them just crawling in her hair, her scalp was bloody due to the lice eating away at it. That’s when I said fuck this shit, I need to get away from this girl. I gave her an excuse about the sleep over saying that my auntie was coming over to my house and I had to stay home because there was no fucking way I was going to her house.

Thankfully by this point I had other friends, we’ll call them cassie and Haysey (both girls). One day I went to town with cassie so she could show me around since I was still new to town at this point. That’s when she warned me about mary and told me she had lice, I told her I already knew and I was trying to get away from her. We met up with some other people in our year in town who told me more about Mary’s reputation in the school and why she had no friends. Apparently Mary is a massive whore, she had a sex tape leaked from when she was like 14 and gave someone head in the school bathrooms. They showed me videos of her getting off with some girl and plenty more lore about her hygiene and she would take the lice out of her hair and crush them with the end of her pen in class or even sometimes EAT THEM. That’s when I said to myself “yep I need to get away from this girl immediately”

But a new problem arises, Haysey who was cassies best friend was for some reason getting closer with Mary, I’m pretty sure we told her about the lice so I don’t know what she was thinking.

Cassie was absolutely terrified of getting lice so I hung around her while Haysey hung around Mary. Eventually Mary and Haysey fell out over some other shit (I’m not going to bother explaining that), and so I finally was freed from the shackles of being her friend. I felt kind of guilty though, she was really nice but just her hygiene was fucking terrible, she really had no shame as well. Apparently she told Haysey that her bed was infested with lice AND SHE INVITED THE BOTH OF US FOR A SLEEPOVER. My skin is crawling just thinking about it.

During all of this I was acting very distant towards Mary and she knew something was up. So eventually I sent her this.
(See screenshot below)

And that was that, we never spoke again.

This all happened in the span of like 2 and a half weeks.

I ended up getting some more info about her. Apparently she’s had the lice since primary school. So I knew she would never get it treated. After this she blamed multiple different people for the lice including Haysey after they had fallen out. Since then she cut her hair a bit shorter (she used to have very long her that she flick at you and it would give you a jump scare everytime) but I don’t know if the lice are gone. She admitted her body count is like 11 at FIFFUCKINGTEEN and last I heard she had a boyfriend that was THREE years below us. I don’t really know what’s been going on with her since summer started but I used to feel bad in school because she spent most of her time in the bathrooms alone and barely showed up to school. I felt so unbelievably conflicted.
Ah it what it isView attachment 36903