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summer is around the corner!!!

summer is june 20 - sept 20 anywhere in northern hemisphere and im getting fucking sick of it already. i hate hot sweaty humid weather, i hate the sun being way too far above me, i hate daytime lasting until 9-10pm, ive always been more of a winter person

i know for most of u summer has ended but where I live its abt to be spring
then its finally summer
I'm tired of the rain,illnesses, hot drinks, dark mornings
finally gonna see the sun brah
I'm excited because fall is about to be here. It's very pretty here in Michigan. Usually I like the heat but this summer was just way too hot.
I'm excited because fall is about to be here. It's very pretty here in Michigan. Usually I like the heat but this summer was just way too hot.
facts, even here in virginia it’s way too hot. it was 98 degrees like two days ago. i cannot wait for fall/winter. it doesn’t snow like it used to here tho.
facts, even here in virginia it’s way too hot. it was 98 degrees like two days ago. i cannot wait for fall/winter. it doesn’t snow like it used to here tho.
Oh my goodness! Land of my birth and early childhood. I was born in Newport News, lived in Roanoke till I was 8, then in Wirtz till I was 10 before moving on to Michigan never to return. I haven't seen Virginia in almost 27 years. I miss it so much. I hope to return one day.

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