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Discussion sunken eyes

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33028
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Deleted member 33028

besides fillers, what other ways can I improve my sunken eyes?
Need more bones
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  • #15
ur female so it doesnt really matter

surgery is the only way
infraorbital rim implants
besidesss surgery what are other ways? i heard some peoople say dermarolling but idk how much of that is true
besidesss surgery what are other ways? i heard some peoople say dermarolling but idk how much of that is true
you should not dermaroll your under eye area, that is unsafe

a better fast long term solution is the implants
Ben is right, fat grafts would probably be the easiest surgical fix. I recently talked to my esthetician and she actually was kinda recommending me against fillers. I saw a recent video on the downsides of tear trough filler and if you want to see it ask and I'll send the link. Now I'm thinking about getting fat grafts because they are cheaper and easier than infraorbital implants. No way of fixing your condition naturally
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  • #24
Ben is right, fat grafts would probably be the easiest surgical fix. I recently talked to my esthetician and she actually was kinda recommending me against fillers. I saw a recent video on the downsides of tear trough filler and if you want to see it ask and I'll send the link. Now I'm thinking about getting fat grafts because they are cheaper and easier than infraorbital implants. No way of fixing your condition naturally
Can u pm me the vid pls

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