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Supplements recommendations


Active member
May 27, 2024
I want to start taking supplements for all things or like I think is considered pubertymaxxing but I’m in the works of transitioning . I am biologically a male (I can send pics but o have a lot on my other threads
Maybe like HRT or Estrogen is what i’ve heard, ask around on reddit in those subreddits with trans people on meds. Also I don’t mean this in a weird way but how are you supposed to have sex? Aren’t you just gonna get rejected the instant you pull “it” out?
for trannymaxxing:
-phytoestrogens: flax, tofu, red clover, soy
vitamin B makes estrogen according to google
vitamin B6 makes progesterone
you want to increase aromatase so that your testosterone gets converted to estrogen. idk but maybe you can find somewhere online aromatase
for trannymaxxing:
-phytoestrogens: flax, tofu, red clover, soy
vitamin B makes estrogen according to google
vitamin B6 makes progesterone
you want to increase aromatase so that your testosterone gets converted to estrogen. idk but maybe you can find somewhere online aromatase
Become fat as fuck for aromatase and drink plastic juice for anti androgens

Soy lowers all sex hormones (including e)
Soy can potentially masculinize u too by interfering with e receptors

But dyor research on soy and phytoestrogens
U might find something useful
Become fat as f**k for aromatase and drink plastic juice for anti androgens

Soy lowers all sex hormones (including e)
Soy can potentially masculinize u too by interfering with e receptors

But dyor research on soy and phytoestrogens
U might find something useful
soy makes you skinny fat tho
Become fat as f**k for aromatase and drink plastic juice for anti androgens

Soy lowers all sex hormones (including e)
Soy can potentially masculinize u too by interfering with e receptors

But dyor research on soy and phytoestrogens
U might find something useful
Plastic is microplastics

They sure hurt ur androgens but they are carcinogenic as well so dyor
He is very knowledgeable about estrogen and feminization
not sure
he supports feminization but he says he isnt sure about the different types of estrogens, which are superior and which ones are bad and all
maybe he learned something idk he hasnt told me
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #27
Maybe like HRT or Estrogen is what i’ve heard, ask around on reddit in those subreddits with trans people on meds. Also I don’t mean this in a weird way but how are you supposed to have sex? Aren’t you just gonna get rejected the instant you pull “it” out?
No not really you’d be surprised how many men actually want to give it a shot
u alone on that one
na i mean a lotta guys in general wanna know what its like to do it with another dick
tbh im somewhat curious although ik from porn that i would likely not enjoy it, pussy mogs
na i mean a lotta guys in general wanna know what its like to do it with another dick
tbh im somewhat curious although ik from porn that i would likely not enjoy it, pussy mogs
idk about a lotta guys..
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #37
na i mean a lotta guys in general wanna know what its like to do it with another dick
tbh im somewhat curious although ik from porn that i would likely not enjoy it, pussy mogs
True a lot of them wanna try it and obviously it’s not for everyone
True a lot of them wanna try it and obviously it’s not for everyone
na i mean a lotta guys in general wanna know what its like to do it with another dick
tbh im somewhat curious although ik from porn that i would likely not enjoy it, pussy mogs
No not really you’d be surprised how many men actually want to give it a shot
i mean angels aint wrong
did u talk to him?
I talked to him to comeback

He was the first giy i pmed and i pmed him to become his friend
I didn't know at the time but i closed the conversation for further replies
And he made a conversation and said yes
I talked to him to comeback

He was the first giy i pmed and i pmed him to become his friend
I didn't know at the time but i closed the conversation for further replies
And he made a conversation and said yes
Lit 😍😍
I want to start taking supplements for all things or like I think is considered pubertymaxxing but I’m in the works of transitioning . I am biologically a male (I can send pics but o have a lot on my other threads
Too late anyways but aromatisation is NOT gender specific. In fact, women aromatise LESS than men. Do not become "fat as fuck and eat microplastics" because everyone is giving BRO SCIENCE above.

Estrogen is also just not the "female" hormone the same way testosterone is not just the "male" hormone. Yes they are considered this but healthy women have healthy amounts of Testosterone and men can suffer if E is too high or too little.

I am biologically a male
You are biologically a male. PERIOD.

I don't mean this in an offensive way but I am saying the REASON you don't produce a female endocrinology ( Yes, it takes a plethora of different biomarkers to develop female characteristics rather than just muh estrogeeeeen high ) is because you don't have OVARIES which is what produces most of your estrogen during development and adulthood ( AKA when your PERIOD OR UTERINE cycle starts )

Taking HRT will also permanently alter neurochemistry. Do with that info as you will.


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