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Rage suspended


school mogger
May 31, 2024
Got suspended from school yesterday for 5 days because I got into a fight with a kid who was making fun of a year 7 for his dad dying. The school described me as a violent and angry and the kid who was making fun of the kid as innocent since he did nothing to antagonise me
Got suspended from school yesterday for 5 days because I got into a fight with a kid who was making fun of a year 7 for his dad dying. The school described me as a violent and angry and the kid who was making fun of the kid as innocent since he did nothing to antagonise me
Free my boy he ain't do nothing.
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Free my boy he ain't do nothing.
the school claims to have an anti bullying policy but only for the ones who are actually bullying lol the school literally told me that if I didn’t win the fight I would of only been suspended for three days, imma miss out of several exams as well
the school claims to have an anti bullying policy but only for the ones who are actually bullying lol the school literally told me that if I didn’t win the fight I would of only been suspended for three days, imma miss out of several exams as well
Not winning fights equals less days is crazy. L school. I didn't know they had over and under's at schools dawg.
the school claims to have an anti bullying policy but only for the ones who are actually bullying lol the school literally told me that if I didn’t win the fight I would of only been suspended for three days, imma miss out of several exams as well
This system is so ass .. you're gonna miss out on exams?
Got suspended from school yesterday for 5 days because I got into a fight with a kid who was making fun of a year 7 for his dad dying. The school described me as a violent and angry and the kid who was making fun of the kid as innocent since he did nothing to antagonise me
Please tell your school to organize a Diddy walkout, please raise awareness for my imprisonment 🙏🏿