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Serious Take the War pill


Active member
May 14, 2024
It's over for all who hasn't taken the war pill. Take it asap, all the great men aesthetically and literally from different tribes you see are result of the War pilled that thier grandfather's grandfather took. Fight against entropy as much as possible do hard things everyday. Eat Boar, Goat meat immersed in ghee for absolute domination over energy and life.

This shouldn't have been a thread but still, do not forget you were made in the image of God.

“Life is the result of war, and society is the instrument of war. To refuse war means to refuse an epic life.”
— Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg
What? Selling what? Bro in the name of God stop believing those shit. You have much control over yourself than those jews.
Going into the military is the worst thing u can do to yourself in my opinion. At least u fill ur desire to kill others though, but it’s all in the name of the elite
Going into the military is the worst thing u can do to yourself in my opinion. At least u fill ur desire to kill others though, but it’s all in the name of the elite
Aah this, yes I absolutely agree on this one. But I'm saying doing hard things in terms of other. Like reading more books, getting into good uni, scoring well overall. Doing well enough that you can control particular aspect of the space.
Ahhh. Spill ur gatekept looksmax secrets bhai. Also, were u on .org?
My gate kept looksmaxxing secret is to eat Porota and beef 2/7
Yeah I was rejected 2 times on .org , never tried regeestering again after the humiliating experience.
It's over for all who hasn't taken the war pill. Take it asap, all the great men aesthetically and literally from different tribes you see are result of the War pilled that thier grandfather's grandfather took. Fight against entropy as much as possible do hard things everyday. Eat Boar, Goat meat immersed in ghee for absolute domination over energy and life.

This shouldn't have been a thread but still, do not forget you were made in the image of God.

“Life is the result of war, and society is the instrument of war. To refuse war means to refuse an epic life.”
— Baron Roman von Ungern-Sternberg
View attachment 46254
Not a bad idea to know how to hunt, learn survival tips, learn how to use a firearm, a martial art and owning a ka-bar
War does not equal doing hard achievements or having a difficult goal
Achievements and goals in general are good as long as they are not based on hurting others
War is just killing your species with no reason
Medics should be the ones getting epic edits, not genocide leaders nor the poor scared soldier that is also suffering
There is a price to accomplish great things or to at least try it. And when the time to pay the posterior price of it comes, you will be unable to fight and will be obliged to rest.