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Talking to strangers irl feels much better than talking on internet

It is
I'm spending my time more outside nowadays and since i got a job where I've to talk everytime in person it helped me building confidence and now my heart don't race like a train when i talk to someone lol
My heart doesn't race like a train when talking to someone but in my opinion it's more comfortable to talk to people you'll most probably never meet then someone who you can see every day
I try to talk to as many people as possible to boost my social skills, I still find it difficult to talk to “popular” people in my school. They are the most unbelievably boring people ever. I like people who are bit weird like me
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  • #27
I try to talk to as many people as possible to boost my social skills, I still find it difficult to talk to “popular” people in my school. They are the most unbelievably boring people ever. I like people who are bit weird like me
Communication is the most simple yet hardest skill to master
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  • #28
They definitely do that’s cope
Dunno but not most of them who are born in this gen Everytime when i enter in metro i see everyone looking at their screen and there face looked really depressed

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