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Terms and understanding


Aug 11, 2024
Can someone explain these terms man I keep hearing about them all the time and ion understand shit. For example like foid grey appeal psl allat shit 😭 And ratings and how to properly rate someone's face what to look at. What the parts r called on the face ect ect. I figured maybe someone could just write down an easy explanation in the replies rather then me tryna find out on google which gives out unclear answers. Thx
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  • #5
Which words didn't you understand? List them, and I'll try to explain.
Forgwt about the words I changed my mind I just wanna know about psl and appeal and how to properly rate someone. Ect ect
Forgwt about the words I changed my mind I just wanna know about psl and appeal and how to properly rate someone. Ect ect
PSL stands for the amalgamation of three defunct forums: PUAHate, SlutHate, and Lookism.

Appeal is all about who you attract. How you look, dress, behave, and present yourself shapes how different groups of women perceive you and which of them you're appealing to. For example, a 'pretty boy' might attract teenage girls but may not have the same appeal to women over 25.

Rating someone’s face can be tricky, especially for females. For males, focus primarily on bone structure, how defined and angular it is, the facial features and the skull's proportions, followed by how these elements work together to create overall harmony.

With females, the criteria are less strict, which make it more hard. A woman can look attractive with either a defined or fuller face, depending on whether she has a hot or cute appearance. When assessing a female face, pay close attention to softer features like the eyes, nose, and mouth, in my opinion these often determine attractiveness. Also, consider skin quality and general health indicators.

I’ll link a thread I made on .org about these features and a rating scale.

Thread 'A Concise Guide for Evaluating PSL Ratings and Male Beauty Characteristics'

Keep in mind that the rating scale on PSL is stricter than a standard 1-10 scale, so the evaluations in my thread might seem more stringent.
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  • #7
Good explanation I'll check out the link yeah ik the PSL is stricter and I wanna learn how to rate ppl based of that

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