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Rage Testmaxxing

Normal occurrences, as a teenager especially

Over for people who will never experience this.

Boners before presentations are also very brutal, or when class ends but you gotta wait it out
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  • #15
It’s allat exercise making him tired and lowering T
I remember when we had to water plants manually for durian trees so I had to work for hours ( not yet built irrigation pipe or well )

There were muscles that hurt in my back, thighs and shoulders I never knew I had

I was a vegetable the next day
I remember when we had to water plants manually for durian trees so I had to work for hours ( not yet built irrigation pipe or well )

There were muscles that hurt in my back, thighs and shoulders I never knew I had

I was a vegetable the next day
yeah that happens when youre dehydrated as fuck on a summer day for 8 hours
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  • #20