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Discussion The adonisgang on .org has disbanded


travis bicklepilled
Jun 23, 2024
rotters basement
shitpostin' forever
I made a consious decision to disband the adonisgang on .org

It was simply not worth the effort to be the only real crew on a site

No competition so no reason to keep it up

Plus members left so i knew they also felt the same

Idk when the adonisgang is going to return but i know it wont take long to return to full power if needed

I will never forget the humongous L the birds took when @Kaligula567 and @Kaari got banned
they all scattered and dissapeared bc they knew they were outnumbered at the time and they cant win
I made a consious decision to disband the adonisgang on .org

It was simply not worth the effort to be the only real crew on a site

No competition so no reason to keep it up

Plus members left so i knew they also felt the same

Idk when the adonisgang is going to return but i know it wont take long to return to full power if needed

I will never forget the humongous L the birds took when @Kaligula567 and @Kaari got banned
they all scattered and dissapeared bc they knew they were outnumbered at the time and they cant win
I still soar, just alone.

*insert sad bezerk theme here*
Brah the all the roidrage was getting to clavicular
He didnt have to diss u like that mane
View attachment 43421
He’s just upset my eye area mogs his entire bloodline. That acne ridden MTN thinks he’s him when he bullies other autists just like him.

(Clav this obv ragebait you sperg)
I made a consious decision to disband the adonisgang on .org

It was simply not worth the effort to be the only real crew on a site

No competition so no reason to keep it up

Plus members left so i knew they also felt the same

Idk when the adonisgang is going to return but i know it wont take long to return to full power if needed

I will never forget the humongous L the birds took when @Kaligula567 and @Kaari got banned
they all scattered and dissapeared bc they knew they were outnumbered at the time and they cant win
billie cult was way better than birds and Adonis fucking shitty cults
billie cult was way better than birds and Adonis fucking shitty cults
my man was crying about kaligula getting banned and spreading misinfo abt me saying I was responsible only to dunk on the birds, saying the quiet part out loud about how bad my flock was

my slumber was disturbed only to read this and I’m seething
my man was crying about kaligula getting banned and spreading misinfo abt me saying I was responsible only to dunk on the birds, saying the quiet part out loud about how bad my flock was

my slumber was disturbed only to read this and I’m seething
i never made a post when kaligula got banned 😢
I made a consious decision to disband the adonisgang on .org

It was simply not worth the effort to be the only real crew on a site

No competition so no reason to keep it up

Plus members left so i knew they also felt the same

Idk when the adonisgang is going to return but i know it wont take long to return to full power if needed

I will never forget the humongous L the birds took when @Kaligula567 and @Kaari got banned
they all scattered and dissapeared bc they knew they were outnumbered at the time and they cant win
I made a consious decision to disband the adonisgang on .org

It was simply not worth the effort to be the only real crew on a site

No competition so no reason to keep it up

Plus members left so i knew they also felt the same

Idk when the adonisgang is going to return but i know it wont take long to return to full power if needed

I will never forget the humongous L the birds took when @Kaligula567 and @Kaari got banned
they all scattered and dissapeared bc they knew they were outnumbered at the time and they cant win
Over tbh

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