West eurasians:
1.Alpinized north atlantid/atlantid. It combines the high class of the Atlantid phenotype with the feminnation and neoteny of the Alpine phenotype. Phenotype with high sexual dysmorphia with great coloring.
2.Subnordid or borreazlied faelid: The combination of Alpine and Nordic features, along with the influence of "borreabilization" (a term related to the Borreby phenotype, characterized by delicate features and a high forehead) and "siceled features" (referring to a specific facial shape), could result in a unique appearance. This combination might indeed create a look that some would consider "Barbie-like," with its emphasis on soft, delicate features and a certain idealized aesthetic-
3.North pontid: Phenotype is a combination of physical traits that are often considered attractive in women. These traits include a slender build, long limbs, a small face, high cheekbones, and a small nose. This is the reason why Slavic women are considered gigafoggers, it's a human phenotype with high sexual dimorphism.
4.Baltid: Extremely neotenous phenotype which favors women. Short medium face, high cheekbones, full lips, this phenotype is extremely sought after in the modeling industry.
5.Alpine and gorid: The short medium face and small nose favor women, gorid is the Eastern European version.
Sub-saharan africans
1.Ethiopid: The narrowest nose in all of sub-Saharan Africa, with the oval-shaped face makes this phenotype very feminine.
3.Congolid: Basically the sub-Saharan version of Alpine, its neotenic features favor women.
Eastern Eurasians or Mongoloids
1.Choshiu: It's the phenotype that most complies with the East Asian beauty standard in addition to being highly neotenous and feminine for women.
2.North Sinid: The Nordic equivalent phenotype of East Asians, a phenotype seen in the modeling industry and in Chinese actresses and actors among East Asians.
1.Alpinized north atlantid/atlantid. It combines the high class of the Atlantid phenotype with the feminnation and neoteny of the Alpine phenotype. Phenotype with high sexual dysmorphia with great coloring.
2.Subnordid or borreazlied faelid: The combination of Alpine and Nordic features, along with the influence of "borreabilization" (a term related to the Borreby phenotype, characterized by delicate features and a high forehead) and "siceled features" (referring to a specific facial shape), could result in a unique appearance. This combination might indeed create a look that some would consider "Barbie-like," with its emphasis on soft, delicate features and a certain idealized aesthetic-
3.North pontid: Phenotype is a combination of physical traits that are often considered attractive in women. These traits include a slender build, long limbs, a small face, high cheekbones, and a small nose. This is the reason why Slavic women are considered gigafoggers, it's a human phenotype with high sexual dimorphism.
4.Baltid: Extremely neotenous phenotype which favors women. Short medium face, high cheekbones, full lips, this phenotype is extremely sought after in the modeling industry.
5.Alpine and gorid: The short medium face and small nose favor women, gorid is the Eastern European version.
Sub-saharan africans
1.Ethiopid: The narrowest nose in all of sub-Saharan Africa, with the oval-shaped face makes this phenotype very feminine.
2.Nilotid: Phenotype demanded by the modeling industry, they have the advantage of being tall with long legs.
3.Congolid: Basically the sub-Saharan version of Alpine, its neotenic features favor women.
Eastern Eurasians or Mongoloids
1.Choshiu: It's the phenotype that most complies with the East Asian beauty standard in addition to being highly neotenous and feminine for women.
2.North Sinid: The Nordic equivalent phenotype of East Asians, a phenotype seen in the modeling industry and in Chinese actresses and actors among East Asians.