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Serious The sexualization of Millie Bobby Brown is a good example of how degenerate America's/modern entertainment industry really is.


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
Note to moderators and users who might be offended, I don't mean any ill, these are just my opinions on a distasteful industry.

If you don't know who she is, she was basically Eleven from Stranger Things. Stranger Things was basically her "big break" and that's what skyrocketed her popularity so much.

Now I want you to keep in mind that she started the role as child. 12 years old to be exact.

No problem with child acting but here's where I think degeneracy was pushed on to her. The first instance of this was maybe not so bad to some but it was here doing a kissing scene

Now of course this was just acting but from here on out things get weird. She get's more kissing scene as a young teen within the show. As the show progressed she became older etc. and then the degenerate shithole that is Reddit enters the picture. Where when she was still a child

On Reddit there were 2 countdowns that happened. One was the countdown to her 16th birthday for when she was "legal" and another to her 18th birthday when she was ready to post NSFW content on without repercussion.

All of this exposure to a woman is obviously gonna make her not feel ashamed to doing certain stuffs like videoshoots but it's disturbing to think that all of this was done from when she was literally 12-13. Reddit was already on her ass when she was 14

I also left out that Drake ordeal because there is no hard evidence of anything but just fucking lol, imagine being her parents and letting these things slide.

Then as soon as she turns 18+ she "all of the student" starts dressing obscenely out to the public more.


To now blatantly not wearing bras in interview, wearing spandex etc.

And of course now she does softcore (imo) photoshoots ( Showing n***ples, C*****toes etc. )
While on her brand channel she makes videos in bras ( Showing n****les)

I won't be posting it here since this forum has a rule against that.
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Note to moderators and users who might be offended, I don't mean any ill, these are just my opinions on a distasteful industry.

If you don't know who she is, she was basically Eleven from Stranger Things. Stranger Things was basically her "big break" and that's what skyrocketed her popularity so much.

Now I want you to keep in mind that she started the role as child. 12 years old to be exact.

No problem with child acting but here's where I think degeneracy was pushed on to her. The first instance of this was maybe not so bad to some but it was here doing a kissing scene

Now of course this was just acting but from here on out things get weird. She get's more kissing scene as a young teen within the show. As the show progressed she became older etc. and then the degenerate shithole that is Reddit enters the picture. Where when she was still a child

On Reddit there were 2 countdowns that happened. One was the countdown to her 16th birthday for when she was "legal" and another to her 18th birthday when she was ready to post NSFW content on without repercussion.

All of this exposure to a woman is obviously gonna make her not feel ashamed to doing certain stuffs like videoshoots but it's disturbing to think that all of this was done from when she was literally 12-13. Reddit was already on her ass when she was 14

I also left out that Drake ordeal because there is no hard evidence of anything but just f*****g lol, imagine being her parents and letting these things slide.

Then as soon as she turns 18+ she "all of the student" starts dressing obscenely out to the public more.


To now blatantly not wearing bras in interview, wearing spandex etc.

And of course now she does softcore (imo) photoshoots ( Showing n***ples, C*****toes etc. )
While on her brand channel she makes videos in bras ( Showing n****les)

I won't be posting it here since this forum has a rule against that.
Nah, that’s fine. What is not fine tho, is that bullying is not meta anymore. All weirdos should be bullied into ending themselves, so that we don’t have stuff like Reddit

As for sexualising a teen - that’s the age the nature is sexualising them. And natural stuff is generally not a bad thing. In modern times that’s weird, but still whatever
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  • #6
As for sexualising a teen - that’s the age the nature is sexualising them. And natural stuff is generally not a bad thing. In modern times that’s weird, but still whatever

That wasn't the focus the thread, the focus was on the fact that the media and people running this programmed all of this to happen. It shows how much a person is influenced by their environment and how they used that to make money off her.

All weirdos should be bullied into ending themselves, so that we don’t have stuff like Reddit

Solves nothing, you just breed more hate for no reason. Low IQ take. You will only spread more degeneracy into this world.
Solves nothing, you just breed more hate for no reason. Low IQ take. You will only spread more degeneracy into this world.
There used to be less fat, ugly and weird people. Mental disorders were much rarer. And all why? Because society shamed all these subhuman traits. Because people didn’t grow up thinking it is normal
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  • #8
There used to be less fat, ugly and weird people. Mental disorders were much rarer.
Yeah bro all because of bullying, surely there are no other reasons as to why this happens. :kekw:

Mental disorders were much rarer.
Undiagnosed*, people lived infinitely harder lives back then.

There used to be less fat, ugly and weird people. Mental disorders were much rarer. And all why? Because society shamed all these subhuman traits. Because people didn’t grow up thinking it is normal
I advocate for ethical dysgenics to a certain extent but you want people to get bullied and kill themselves.

Agree to disagree.
Yeah bro all because of bullying, surely there are no other reasons as to why this happens. :kekw:

Undiagnosed*, people lived infinitely harder lives back then.

I advocate for ethical dysgenics to a certain extent but you want people to get bullied and kill themselves.

Agree to disagree.
Stuff like porn and 3726157384 calories in 1 gramm of any food obviously contributed to that. But at least most people used to try losing weight, as being 80 kg as a woman and 100 kg as a man was seen as disgusting

I’m pretty sure most mental illnesses didn’t even exist back then, because people didn’t go into the insanity rabbit hole. Depressed sociopath is like maximum you could be just 50 years ago. Nowadays every girl on twitter has more than that in bio

I want people to get bullied out of idiocity mostly. But if the case is too bad - yea, bullied into killing themselves. It’s good for them(less suffering) and good for the society as a whole
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  • #10
Stuff like porn and 3726157384 calories in 1 gramm of any food obviously contributed to that. But at least most people used to try losing weight, as being 80 kg as a woman and 100 kg as a man was seen as disgusting
Nowadays every girl on twitter has more than that in bio

Are you American?
Are you American?
It isn’t just an american thing. Delivery and high calorie tasty food thing is growing everywhere, it’s just worse in the US

As for twitter egirls - these are just two common on the internet and they “recruit” people and affect overall culture

And no, thankfully, I am not american
It's mainly a Western thing, I just assumed because most people on lookism forums are American
You can order about 1500 calories for 7$ with free delivery to your house in like 30 mins in Russia. Seeing all these fat creatures in public is what radicalizes me

I live in a city with arguably one of the highest average attractivess amongst the youth in the world. It actually sometimes makes me depressed seeing all these pretty boys and girls. But people have been getting more fat and I absolutely hate that. Unironically, if I was allowed to make a tax for fat women, outlaw killing them or force them to lose weight - I would do it. They aren't human beings
it’s disgusting, it’s happened to natalie portman and emma watson. i just know it’s gross old men who have nothing better to do but harass young women.
Note to moderators and users who might be offended, I don't mean any ill, these are just my opinions on a distasteful industry.

If you don't know who she is, she was basically Eleven from Stranger Things. Stranger Things was basically her "big break" and that's what skyrocketed her popularity so much.

Now I want you to keep in mind that she started the role as child. 12 years old to be exact.

No problem with child acting but here's where I think degeneracy was pushed on to her. The first instance of this was maybe not so bad to some but it was here doing a kissing scene

Now of course this was just acting but from here on out things get weird. She get's more kissing scene as a young teen within the show. As the show progressed she became older etc. and then the degenerate shithole that is Reddit enters the picture. Where when she was still a child

On Reddit there were 2 countdowns that happened. One was the countdown to her 16th birthday for when she was "legal" and another to her 18th birthday when she was ready to post NSFW content on without repercussion.

All of this exposure to a woman is obviously gonna make her not feel ashamed to doing certain stuffs like videoshoots but it's disturbing to think that all of this was done from when she was literally 12-13. Reddit was already on her ass when she was 14

I also left out that Drake ordeal because there is no hard evidence of anything but just f*****g lol, imagine being her parents and letting these things slide.

Then as soon as she turns 18+ she "all of the student" starts dressing obscenely out to the public more.


To now blatantly not wearing bras in interview, wearing spandex etc.

And of course now she does softcore (imo) photoshoots ( Showing n***ples, C*****toes etc. )
While on her brand channel she makes videos in bras ( Showing n****les)

I won't be posting it here since this forum has a rule against that.
stfu age cuck

agreed that moder world is degen

also milly Bobbie brown is ugly asf
it’s disgusting, it’s happened to natalie portman and emma watson. i just know it’s gross old men who have nothing better to do but harass young women.
wrong its men of all age
we all want women
young women are more fertile so they are preferred

but the gross old men u r talking about are those who like children (prepubescents)

ephebophilia is completely right
hebephilia is half right

anyone who goes for younger than that should be wiped out

also don't ask me why i know all this i am sane
person ❤️❤️❤️
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  • #18
stfu age cuck
This thread has nothing to do with age, you are delusional.

My main concern is the way they prepped her for such activities from when she was a child.
This thread has nothing to do with age, you are delusional.

My main concern is the way they prepped her for such activities from when she was a child.
i read after writing
my bad
Note to moderators and users who might be offended, I don't mean any ill, these are just my opinions on a distasteful industry.

If you don't know who she is, she was basically Eleven from Stranger Things. Stranger Things was basically her "big break" and that's what skyrocketed her popularity so much.

Now I want you to keep in mind that she started the role as child. 12 years old to be exact.

No problem with child acting but here's where I think degeneracy was pushed on to her. The first instance of this was maybe not so bad to some but it was here doing a kissing scene

Now of course this was just acting but from here on out things get weird. She get's more kissing scene as a young teen within the show. As the show progressed she became older etc. and then the degenerate shithole that is Reddit enters the picture. Where when she was still a child

On Reddit there were 2 countdowns that happened. One was the countdown to her 16th birthday for when she was "legal" and another to her 18th birthday when she was ready to post NSFW content on without repercussion.

All of this exposure to a woman is obviously gonna make her not feel ashamed to doing certain stuffs like videoshoots but it's disturbing to think that all of this was done from when she was literally 12-13. Reddit was already on her ass when she was 14

I also left out that Drake ordeal because there is no hard evidence of anything but just f*****g lol, imagine being her parents and letting these things slide.

Then as soon as she turns 18+ she "all of the student" starts dressing obscenely out to the public more.


To now blatantly not wearing bras in interview, wearing spandex etc.

And of course now she does softcore (imo) photoshoots ( Showing n***ples, C*****toes etc. )
While on her brand channel she makes videos in bras ( Showing n****les)

I won't be posting it here since this forum has a rule against that.
That's also her decision. She is getting power with that. And this degeneracy is only for some people of some values. If anything, that's very aristocratic for Nietzsche and, therefore, positive for him and other Uber mens.