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JFL The story of ben07 (part 2)


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023
After disappearing from the public eye whispers spread of Ben07s new life. The only Terra Chad in existence, he had ascended far beyond what anyone thought possible. His features became the stuff of legends chiseled jawline, radiant skin, and a presence that dominated any room. No one could resist him, not even the most elite Stacys of the land.

Rumors said he now resided in a hidden valley known only as the "Stacy Citadel" a place where only the most perfect of women dwelled. Many tried to infiltrate hoping to catch a glimpse of Ben07, or even steal the formula he had selfishly guarded. But none ever returned.

Meanwhile, outside the Citadel, the world was spiraling into chaos. With Ben07 having taken the last of the Terra Chad formula, subhumans were in despair. Many sought to recreate the formula experimenting with dangerous methods but all failed. Some turned to extreme surgery, others to more bizarre and cult like practices, hoping to achieve just a fraction of Ben07s transformation.

One day, an underground group of former looksmaxxers, known as the Incel Rebellion, swore vengeance on Ben07 for withholding the formula. They began gathering intel, hoping to find a weakness, a way into the Stacy Citadel, or better yet, a way to draw him out. Their leader, a shadowy figure known only as @sigma had once been close to Ben07 before his transformation. @sigma claimed to know secrets about Ben07s past vulnerabilities that could potentially bring the Terra Chad down.

As @sigma 's cult grew, the tension between them and the Citadel mounted. The @sigma cult sent a message into the valley, challenging Ben07 to a duel not just for his status as Terra Chad, but for the very formula that gave him his power.

Whether Ben07 would respond or remain in hiding among the Stacys, no one knew. But one thing was clear: the age of Terra Chad had sparked a war between subhumans and the godlike figure that Ben07 had become. The world waited with bated breath, wondering if Ben07 would defend his title or if his reign would come to a dramatic end.

Part 3 awaited...
After disappearing from the public eye whispers spread of Ben07s new life. The only Terra Chad in existence, he had ascended far beyond what anyone thought possible. His features became the stuff of legends chiseled jawline, radiant skin, and a presence that dominated any room. No one could resist him, not even the most elite BBCs of the land.

Rumors said he now resided in a hidden valley known only as the "BBC Citadel" a place where only the most perfect of women dwelled. Many tried to infiltrate hoping to catch a glimpse of Ben07, or even steal the formula he had selfishly guarded. But none ever returned.

Meanwhile, outside the Citadel, the world was spiraling into chaos. With Ben07 having taken the last of the Terra Chad formula, subhumans were in despair. Many sought to recreate the formula experimenting with dangerous methods but all failed. Some turned to extreme surgery, others to more bizarre and cult like practices, hoping to achieve just a fraction of Ben07s transformation.

One day, an underground group of former looksmaxxers, known as the Incel Rebellion, swore vengeance on Ben07 for withholding the formula. They began gathering intel, hoping to find a weakness, a way into the BBC Citadel, or better yet, a way to draw him out. Their leader, a shadowy figure known only as @sigma had once been close to Ben07 before his transformation. @sigma claimed to know secrets about Ben07s past vulnerabilities that could potentially bring the Terra Chad down. However, this is false, since the user @sigma does not associate himself with any cults because he believes they are low iq sheeply stupid. Giga-larp jew propaganda unfortunately.

As the larper 's cult grew, the tension between them and the Citadel mounted. The @sigma cult sent a message into the valley, challenging Ben07 to a duel not just for his status as Terra Chad, but for the very formula that gave him his power.

Whether Ben07 would respond or remain in hiding among the BBCs, no one knew. But one thing was clear: the age of Terra Chad had sparked a war between subhumans and the godlike figure built for BBC that Ben07 had become. The world waited with bated breath, wondering if Ben07 would defend his title or if his reign would come to a dramatic end.

Part 3 of built for BBC awaited...
So you became an alien
After disappearing from the public eye whispers spread of Ben07s new life. The only Terra Chad in existence, he had ascended far beyond what anyone thought possible. His features became the stuff of legends chiseled jawline, radiant skin, and a presence that dominated any room. No one could resist him, not even the most elite Stacys of the land.

Rumors said he now resided in a hidden valley known only as the "Stacy Citadel" a place where only the most perfect of women dwelled. Many tried to infiltrate hoping to catch a glimpse of Ben07, or even steal the formula he had selfishly guarded. But none ever returned.

Meanwhile, outside the Citadel, the world was spiraling into chaos. With Ben07 having taken the last of the Terra Chad formula, subhumans were in despair. Many sought to recreate the formula experimenting with dangerous methods but all failed. Some turned to extreme surgery, others to more bizarre and cult like practices, hoping to achieve just a fraction of Ben07s transformation.

One day, an underground group of former looksmaxxers, known as the Incel Rebellion, swore vengeance on Ben07 for withholding the formula. They began gathering intel, hoping to find a weakness, a way into the Stacy Citadel, or better yet, a way to draw him out. Their leader, a shadowy figure known only as @sigma had once been close to Ben07 before his transformation. @sigma claimed to know secrets about Ben07s past vulnerabilities that could potentially bring the Terra Chad down.

As @sigma 's cult grew, the tension between them and the Citadel mounted. The @sigma cult sent a message into the valley, challenging Ben07 to a duel not just for his status as Terra Chad, but for the very formula that gave him his power.

Whether Ben07 would respond or remain in hiding among the Stacys, no one knew. But one thing was clear: the age of Terra Chad had sparked a war between subhumans and the godlike figure that Ben07 had become. The world waited with bated breath, wondering if Ben07 would defend his title or if his reign would come to a dramatic end.

Part 3 awaited...
I am eagerly waiting for part 3
Loved this .
After disappearing from the public eye whispers spread of Ben07s new life. The only Terra Chad in existence, he had ascended far beyond what anyone thought possible. His features became the stuff of legends chiseled jawline, radiant skin, and a presence that dominated any room. No one could resist him, not even the most elite Stacys of the land.

Rumors said he now resided in a hidden valley known only as the "Stacy Citadel" a place where only the most perfect of women dwelled. Many tried to infiltrate hoping to catch a glimpse of Ben07, or even steal the formula he had selfishly guarded. But none ever returned.

Meanwhile, outside the Citadel, the world was spiraling into chaos. With Ben07 having taken the last of the Terra Chad formula, subhumans were in despair. Many sought to recreate the formula experimenting with dangerous methods but all failed. Some turned to extreme surgery, others to more bizarre and cult like practices, hoping to achieve just a fraction of Ben07s transformation.

One day, an underground group of former looksmaxxers, known as the Incel Rebellion, swore vengeance on Ben07 for withholding the formula. They began gathering intel, hoping to find a weakness, a way into the Stacy Citadel, or better yet, a way to draw him out. Their leader, a shadowy figure known only as @sigma had once been close to Ben07 before his transformation. @sigma claimed to know secrets about Ben07s past vulnerabilities that could potentially bring the Terra Chad down.

As @sigma 's cult grew, the tension between them and the Citadel mounted. The @sigma cult sent a message into the valley, challenging Ben07 to a duel not just for his status as Terra Chad, but for the very formula that gave him his power.

Whether Ben07 would respond or remain in hiding among the Stacys, no one knew. But one thing was clear: the age of Terra Chad had sparked a war between subhumans and the godlike figure that Ben07 had become. The world waited with bated breath, wondering if Ben07 would defend his title or if his reign would come to a dramatic end.

Part 3 awaited...
Y this so retarded
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