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Rage The worst blackpill of them all: Thomas Matthew Crooks


  • Yes, classic case of blackpill

    Votes: 5 50.0%
  • 50/50, some blackpill and some bluepill

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • No, this is entirely bluepill and Thomas is a devil

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
We obviously know who he is, for those who don’t though, he tried to assassinate the next likely U.S president, Donald Trump. If you haven’t seen what he looks like, just search up Thomas Matthew Crooks on google. EVERYONE is flaming him for how he looks, they say he is a reddit mod and he’s obviously very ugly. I’d say he’s even subhuman, a 3/10. Not only that, people who saw his graduation claim he was the only kid who didn’t get applauded from the crowd. To add onto the flame, a former classmate of his claims he was severely bullied in high school. Do you think he had some say in his retribution, do you stand by the quote, “The child not embraced by the village will tear it down to feel its warmth” ? Do you think it’s blackpill case? Or do you think he’s just soft/weak and deserved to get killed?
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #6
Of course part of the reason why he was bullied definitely were due to his Look.
Why do you think normies try and virtue signal subhumans like him? Hand on bible I guarantee you everytime he asked for help they told him to be more confident. It happens to me too, I’m LTN and when I complain about my face they tell me to be more confident.
He seems like abused dog from the accounts of other people, I would claim classic blackpill
Why do you think normies try and virtue signal subhumans like him? Hand on bible I guarantee you everytime he asked for help they told him to be more confident. It happens to me too, I’m LTN and when I complain about my face they tell me to be more confident.
it is better to apear unconfident then confident when you are a sub five.

When you act confident, people react against your confidence, saing that you think too highly of yourself and they will try to sabotage you.

while when you are unconfident, people will try to, at some level, support you.

As a subfive, the best is to apear unconfident, if you cant just vanish from the place.
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  • #11
His motives don’t make sense though
I don’t want to end up on a watch list, but yeah him targeting the president doesn’t make sense. It would’ve been more likely for him to pew pew a children zone.
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  • #12
it is better to apear unconfident then confident when you are a sub five.

When you act confident, people react against your confidence, saing that you think too highly of yourself and they will try to sabotage you.

while when you are unconfident, people will try to, at some level, support you.

As a subfive, the best is to apear unconfident, if you cant just vanish from the place.
I agree, the issue though is even if you try to act invisible and loner-like the dickheads still pick on you. You could be sitting alone and some random guy will walk up to you and tell you shit for no reason, I don’t know why or what goes on in the head of these people.

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