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JFL Therapy and meds wont make me a 6'5 chad

people want to profit off of therapy and meds so they overdiagnose and overprescribe and say you cant be happy without meds and therapy. i keep getting therapy ads and they tell me i have to try it out and i missing out on happiness bc of it
people want to profit off of therapy and meds so they overdiagnose and overprescribe and say you cant be happy without meds and therapy. i keep getting therapy ads and they tell me i have to try it out and i missing out on happiness bc of it
“Get a free session, bro! We’ll help you bro! We won’t try to gaslight you into thinking that you are unhappy and will be happy after therapy! We won’t get you addicted to antidepressants, bro!”
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  • #9
"Therapy" is a croc of shit. The only time it has ever been of any use is when it's tricked people into not killing themselves. Beyond that though it's a load of garbage.l

blackpill is basically a mental illness
Mental illness causer if u dont take control of your mind. I just started taking my anxiety/depression and ocd i believe. Its one of the most common and safe ones. Im taking the lowest dosage possible. It wont work for another one to two weeks though.
I was a nerdy nice boy before 2022, so I can't say. They look fine to me rn tho. Idk what are you on about
This place is more tame than

It's fine though, I could just be sperging
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  • #18
no? psychologist said its too early for me to be diagnosed 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Thats odd but if u have actual hallucinations. Wtf do u have? Theirs lots that are basically like a mix of schizophrenia and narcolepsy
people want to profit off of therapy and meds so they overdiagnose and overprescribe and say you cant be happy without meds and therapy. i keep getting therapy ads and they tell me i have to try it out and i missing out on happiness bc of it
doctors are evil
all kind of doctors
