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There’s no point in marriage


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2024
just thinking to myself late at night and i realised theres no point in marriage as marriage never benefitted men. its a stupid contract that forces you to be stuck to the same woman for your entire life and you will work overtime for her while she gives nothing in return and you raise multiple kids who will turn out to be useless npcs.

what’s the fucking point in marriage if you don’t get her as a personal sex slave? seriously what’s the fucking point? its nothing but a scam
i think a legal paper marriage is not necessary

people can simply be together you dont need to sign a paper

that paper leads to more work and difficulties when 2 people try to divorce, an event which is surprisingly common

just be together
when i get a "wife" we will host a wedding party but there wont be any legal papers involved

there are only some benefits like taxes, adoption/foster, health, and employment benefits
if youve been incapacitated you dont need to be married to give your spouse medical rights you can simply just put her in medical contacts list

you could also be forced to financially support your wife's kids that arent your own if you get married, and other custody issues with your own kids might be complicated

divorce and marriage legalities are also expensive

i will not do a "legal" marriage
There are good marriages and there a bad marriages

And throughout history they have always strongly benefitted men.
Modern marriage is definitely more risky than in the past, and it doesn't hold the same value it once had. Look at divorce rates for North America, vows don't seem to mean much anymore to most. As a Christian, I do want to get married one day, but I would consider leaving the government out of it.
I do want to get married one day, but I would consider leaving the government out of it.
Isn't it the same thing? IIRC if you and your partner splits assets still spilt 50 percent if you guys have lived together as a couple and stuff.
i am thinking of never dating
cause i am scared
but i also don't wanna be slayer who just fucks women

my dream is to get a girl who loves me is attractive and good personality and spend whole life with her
we each other would our first and only partner(its nearly impossible so i am thinking of never trying)

if i get with a girl and it doesn't work i would nearly kms (cause i would be super attached ) but if i dont i would never be attached like that to someone else and just wouldn't give a fuck after that

thoughts like this come to my mind all the time and i want to nuke the whole world

but if it happens it would be so good and i would be want to live life and work hard for something
Marriage was made to protect women in the past and it never "beneficied" men in general :
Women in the past never worked at a job like right now, can't earn any money, no rights, different wars, health issues, healthcare mediocre quality etc.

So mariage protected them from ending up as single moms without solutions to earn money and bring food/home unless prostitution, if you die she get the money/house to continue raising kids, you're legally obligated to take care of your family by working and bringing food and a home for them etc

At some point people who thinks marriage was beneficial only for men tend to forgot that most men in any history period & era has wished to fuck as many women as they would want without being tied to them. Like, who cares if she end up pregnant, no papers signed, no problems

It was the best solution atm (and it wasn't perfect) to improves offsprings quality of life and perpetuate human race, without ending up with inbreeding cases (like Chad who fucked the 60 girls of the village, for example)

Birth control wasn't here and no justice or healthcare centers like right now, so one small error like fucking the wrong guy and she will ends up in a bad situation with potential problems. That's why virginity and marriage was the core of relationships.

Nowadays marriage is mistaken by just a wedding ; getting expensive ring, dress, food, party to impress instagram followers and jealous female friends. Nothing more. Completely useless nowadays, people buy houses, work and get babies outside of marriage.

So men sign that prenup and protect all you've worked hard for, don't let a pair of boobs destroying your life. 50% of marriages end up in divorce

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