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Serious These forums are ruining my ability to consume entertainment.

its okay man, when i first got addicted to tiktok and instagram it was the same, i couldnt watch movies
the best thing to do is take a break or have designated times to go on the forum
like you can go in the evening for 1 hour and thats all you have for one day
Can relate to this too painfully. Sometimes, I wished I could not have joined these platforms at such a young age, it's very depressing to see that every day, I can't join anything without worrying about my looks.

I can't eveen watch TV series or sitcoms normally without comparing myself to any attractive girl on the screen and feeling horrible about myself.

Anyways, enough about me. I think you should probably take a break like everyone else is mentioning.
Can relate to this too painfully. Sometimes, I wished I could not have joined these platforms at such a young age, it's very depressing to see that every day, I can't join anything without worrying about my looks.

I can't eveen watch TV series or sitcoms normally without comparing myself to any attractive girl on the screen and feeling horrible about myself.

Anyways, enough about me. I think you should probably take a break like everyone else is mentioning.
Aren’t you a female? Just cold approach a guy.
Can relate to this too painfully. Sometimes, I wished I could not have joined these platforms at such a young age, it's very depressing to see that every day, I can't join anything without worrying about my looks.

I can't eveen watch TV series or sitcoms normally without comparing myself to any attractive girl on the screen and feeling horrible about myself.

Anyways, enough about me. I think you should probably take a break like everyone else is mentioning.
I wish I never found about bp ngl
Perhaps in private messages. I don't usually show my face on looksmaxxing forums because I honestly can't gauge how nice these people are lol. Unless you're a stacy or gigastacy, no one on looksmaxxing will really appreciate you which is pretty ironic considering this site is meant to be a safe place for ogres.

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