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Rage They're practically killing the kids at this school


Professional Thugmaxxer ( user)
Sep 12, 2024
The school I work at has banned 3rd-8th from going to recess. As you can imagine, these kids only go home and play fortnite, roblox, or whatever games are popular today. Cutting off their growth and their lives :(
3 hours a day of school for science, math, english, and history
then the rest are elective classes (optional)
reduce classroom sizes
better ventilation and educational quality in general

i will homeschool my kids tho, but i understand for many its not an option
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So instead of going outside, getting sunlight, breathing fresh air, and playing with friends, they cram them in a building for 6+ hours. Slave society.
Back when I was a kid. We still had recess in elementary but we were cut off from it in middle school. No recess in middle school is still pretty terrible in my opinion.
Back when I was a kid. We still had recess in elementary but we were cut off from it in middle school. No recess in middle school is still pretty terrible in my opinion.
For me, we had recess until grade 8.
The school I work at has banned 3rd-8th from going to recess. As you can imagine, these kids only go home and play fortnite, roblox, or whatever games are popular today. Cutting off their growth and their lives :(
It’s not that exercise makes them grow, it’s the fact that they are less free. This will lead to less hormones and less happiness leading to higher cortisol from being in school longer leading to shorter and more overweight kids
It’s not that exercise makes them grow, it’s the fact that they are less free. This will lead to less hormones and less happiness leading to higher cortisol from being in school longer leading to shorter and more overweight kids
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For me, we had recess until grade 8.
Thats nice. I did however overhear the kids trying to make a petition to bring recess back. Like the school is going to listen. Is there any chance it'll work?
Thats nice. I did however overhear the kids trying to make a petition to bring recess back. Like the school is going to listen. Is there any chance it'll work?
Claim that it will sacrifice the students mental health. That’ll get em
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  • #14
Claim that it will sacrifice the students mental health. That’ll get em
I didn't get to read it. So idk what it said. Of course they could've just lied and some message on the back that says they have sold their lives away or somethin lmao.
ChatGPT to write an essay about not being a slave how stupid can you get? Fair enough the kid is probably in 3-8th grade but still man ☠️
I remember just playing football ( soccer ) during recess everyday up until highschool.

Then I started reading during.