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Guide Things not to do during WW3/Fallout


Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
So yeah im going to explain what not to do during fallout after WW3

We all know WW3 is going to be nuclear if you dont idk what to tell you

if you somehow survive you gonna die anyway unless you still have your skin in contact​

Number 1:Go near water
This is an automatic death after fallout
During the period of peak energy output, a 1-megaton (Mt) nuclear weapon can produce temperatures of about 100 million degrees Celsius at its center, about four to five times that which occurs at the center of the Sun.

the water will feel like lava and you will get boiled alive

Number 2: Touch Metal
For the same reason to not go near water if the metal has not melted away it will be extremely hot and you will die simple water

was going to finish but i want to make another thread


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just be cockroach theory
Dig underground. Stay there. Stash hormones and other essentials. Doomsday prep. I'm already prep focused in general. Always ready for when things hit the fan.
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Dig underground. Stay there. Stash hormones and other essentials. Doomsday prep. I'm already prep focused in general. Always ready for when things hit the fan.
Have you seen the video of the underground nuke
Dig underground. Stay there. Stash hormones and other essentials. Doomsday prep. I'm already prep focused in general. Always ready for when things hit the fan.
how are stashed hormones an essential jfl
how are stashed hormones an essential jfl
Necessary for slaves, I will keep cows underground to eat so I don’t need that chit
Necessary for slaves, I will keep cows underground to eat so I don’t need that chit
cows are too big and consume too much + eat too much
i saw a bunker that has fish and fruits in a vid
the fish are connected to the soil so the poops fertilize the fruits
also it does not take up much space + more environmentally better and nutritional
cows are too big and consume too much + eat too much
i saw a bunker that has fish and fruits in a vid
the fish are connected to the soil so the poops fertilize the fruits
also it does not take up much space + more environmentally better and nutritional
Nah I’d win
Nah I’d win
I'd win. I'd have stash and stash of essentials including life saving medications that people don't think about. You think you can live downthere and never get sick? What happens if a outbreak happens? What about antibiotics? Living in a bunker ain't natty after all and fresh air is a commodity at that point. Any and all sickness will spread and once it does. Game over. You think stashing hormones is stupid? What about if there is muated animals outthere and we can't fight them off because we are weak? Some men will have to be the brutes and go out and defend the base. Enhancing them slightly will be very well a good choice. What about the old wise men who have skills to pass down? We don't want them frail and dementia. We need them on trt to extend the lives of the most valuable including medications to fight sickness.

There's more to it than living in a bunker with some animals.

For the most part life in a bunker will absolutely suck. It won't be like the movies. The movies never truly think far enough ahead. Fallout is a good idea of "long term" bunker life. They even use stem packs and enhancements.

Sure we can go back to primitive times and let the weak die off and the strong survive but the avg life of the human race will be at most 30 like it was in the past. I'd rather choose a smarter high iq approach and combine modernity with some primitive tactics that's stand the test of time.
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I'd win. I'd have stash and stash of essentials including life saving medications that people don't think about. You think you can live downthere and never get sick? What happens if a outbreak happens? What about antibiotics? Living in a bunker ain't natty after all and fresh air is a commodity at that point. Any and all sickness will spread and once it does. Game over. You think stashing hormones is stupid? What about if there is muated animals outthere and we can't fight them off because we are weak? Some men will have to be the brutes and go out and defend the base. Enhancing them slightly will be very well a good choice. What about the old wise men who have skills to pass down? We don't want them frail and dementia. We need them on trt to extend the lives of the most valuable including medications to fight sickness.

There's more to it than living in a bunker with some animals.

For the most part life in a bunker will absolutely suck. It won't be like the movies. The movies never truly think far enough ahead. Fallout is a good idea of "long term" bunker life. They even use stem packs and enhancements.

Sure we can go back to primitive times and let the weak die off and the strong survive but the avg life of the human race will be at most 30 like it was in the past. I'd rather choose a smarter high iq approach and combine modernity with some primitive tactics that's stand the test of time.
Average life of humans was 200
Sure we can go back to primitive times and let the weak die off and the strong survive but the avg life of the human race will be at most 30 like it was in the past. I'd rather choose a smarter high iq approach and combine modernity with some primitive tactics that's stand the test of time.
the average went down due to high infant and child mortality
the average went down due to high infant and child mortality
None of you have actually thought this shit through. I can already tell you think you can just ape your way out of nuclear fallout. It's comcial. There is an entire gov organization who thought all thos through already. Minds beyond even ours who's paid to sit and consider every possibility. There is no room for error when things hit the fan. Once your in a bunker. Being "natrual' doesn't matter. Being In a bunker for a long time is not natural therfore we must do "un natural" things to survive for a long time untill we can go outside again which is unlikely for a 100 years.

Stop holding on to your if it's not natural it won't work routine. Especially for this thought experiment. Natural living will not survive in an enclosed biological enclosed BUNKER.
n***a who the fuck told you that and If you actually believe that 🤣 I'm dying. Please...just....
Hey you cant say the n word man you’re white Austin
None of you have actually thought this shit through. I can already tell you think you can just ape your way out of nuclear fallout. It's comcial. There is an entire gov organization who thought all thos through already. Minds beyond even ours who's paid to sit and consider every possibility. There is no room for error when things hit the fan
im not talking about the nuclear fallout im talking about primitive times
im not talking about the nuclear fallout im talking about primitive times
I'm referring to the title of this thread. A ww3 with a nuke. If one country launches a nuke you can bet your money everyone else will be launching one. I'm talking about this thread. Surviving that will not be natural and we must have unnatural methods to survive the un natural times. You can argue all day with me on this. This is the only way anyone will survive it. If we even get a chance to survive that is. No one knows if it will even play out like we hope either. Could just be one massive fucked apocalypse with zero chance to get In a bunker.
I'm referring to the title of this thread. A ww3 with a nuke. If one country launches a nuke you can bet your money everyone else will be launching one. I'm talking about this thread. Surviving that will not be natural and we must have unnatural methods to survive the un natural times.
yes i replied to the part about average human life in primitive times and your interpretation of it, which i disagree w
I'm referring to the title of this thread. A ww3 with a nuke. If one country launches a nuke you can bet your money everyone else will be launching one. I'm talking about this thread. Surviving that will not be natural and we must have unnatural methods to survive the un natural times.
either way artificial hormones will not help you survive a nuclear fallout...
either way artificial hormones will not help you survive a nuclear fallout...
Testosterone is not artificial and it absolutely will help those who need it survive. The word PED ring a bell? You think Testosterone is only for building muscle? Did you know it always makes you more althetic and run faster? WE NEED ALL OF THAT. We need every fucking enhancement in the book to give the highest likelihood of surviving. Being natural goes out the window plain and simple. It's about the human race surviving not staying natural becuase it's the right thing to do.

Your Moral obligations To your natural status no longer hold weight as the moral obligation of the human race is now higher than your single obligation to feeling superior for your natural status.
Testosterone is not artificial and it absolutely will help those who need it survive. The word PED ring a bell? You think Testosterone is only for building muscle? Did you know it always makes you more althetic and run faster?
im not talking about the one produced in the body

im talking about chemiclaly made T

it will not help if you are underground in a bunker, and certainly not necessary for survival (the artifical one)
im not talking about the one produced in the body

im talking about chemiclaly made T

it will not help if you are underground in a bunker, and certainly not necessary for survival (the artifical one)
No. Testosterone. Lab made. Bio synthesis will be needed. Do not forget radiation. Did you forget what radiation does to you? Have you been through chemo before? Most chemo patients have to get be on trt to have Testosterone because the radiation killed their balls. ( my step father was one of the victims) guess how much radiation is going to be all over the world after most of the nukes went off? YOU do not really grasp how deep this will be and how fucked we will be. There will be almost no natural production once you get exposed to this because we will be exposed over longer periods of times. There will be less and less men have normal function due to the radiation load in our environment and yes the bunker will not fully protect forever. It just slows it down.
No. Testosterone. Lab made. Bio synthesis will be needed. Do not forget radiation. Did you forget what radiation does to you? Have you been through chemo before? Most chemo patients have to get be on trt to have Testosterone because the radiation killed their balls. ( my step father was one of the victims) guess how much radiation is going to be all over the world after most of the nuked went off? YOU do not really grasp how deep this will be and how fucked we will be. There will be almost no natural production once you get exposed to this because we will be exposed over longer periods of times. There will be less and less men have normal function due to the radiation load in our environment and yes the bunker will not fully protect forever. It just slows it down.
bunker will protect if its good
if you have bad bunker then bad

and testosterone will not save you from radiation poisoning
bunker will protect if its good
if you have bad bunker then bad

and testosterone will not save you from radiation poisoning
You can be the devils advocate all you want lil small ape brain. My idea at least considers most of the variables and gives you a chance to reproduce unlike yours that thinks you can live on cows and fish and live a good life.

Because once your in there. The only chance our future has is to have more babies strategically planed out with as long life as possible while minimizing as much damage to our hormones as possible.flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u2.jpg
You can be the devils advocate all you want lil small ape brain. My idea at least considers most of the variables and gives you a chance to reproduce unlike yours that thinks you can live on cows and fish and live a good life.
im not living off of cows
dont insult me 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

anywyas healthy mogs
dont fight in wars and hide in sewers only come out at 3am to make consensual love with foids and for eating
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