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Discussion This is the reason why men are boneless and women have more bones now.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
As some of you know, the development of specific bones are linked to sexual receptors.

It turns out that the main reason for the decrease of testosterone (
, for example) is the increase estrogen intake directly (via foods that either is formed by soy or meat of cows who ate soy).
Estrogen decreases the presence of testosterone in males, decreasing the development of the bones who grow with sexual receptors.

But in the case of women who also have sexual receptos, this whole process would actually increase their bone mass instead of lowering it.

Hence why the newer generation of young women have, in major, higher chin projection and shit while the new young male generation look more like nerds and subhumans.

Maybe even the increase of estrogen and the decrease of testosterone may explain some social situations unique to our current time.

Prenatal t is cucked by todays food
As some of you know, the development of specific bones are linked to sexual receptors.

It turns out that the main reason for the decrease of testosterone (
, for example) is the increase estrogen intake directly (via foods that either is formed by soy or meat of cows who ate soy).
Estrogen decreases the presence of testosterone in males, decreasing the development of the bones who grow with sexual receptors.

But in the case of women who also have sexual receptos, this whole process would actually increase their bone mass instead of lowering it.

Hence why the newer generation of young women have, in major, higher chin projection and shit while the new young male generation look more like nerds and subhumans.

Maybe even the increase of estrogen and the decrease of testosterone may explain some social situations unique to our current time.

Somehow I skipped out on this cause My chin projection is pretty bad lol
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  • #5
Yo, i ate 1 kg of meat 2 days ago, 15 eggs yesterday and i have been practicing fasting eating at maxx 1 thing per day. I am counting the minutes for my city Bobs to open so i can buy an ice cream and go to the supermarket were i can buy and cook multiple burguês, i am counting men, i were more satisfied when i were fat (years ago)
Yo, i ate 1 kg of meat 2 days ago, 15 eggs yesterday and i have been practicing fasting eating at maxx 1 thing per day. I am counting the minutes for my city Bobs to open so i can buy an ice cream and go to the supermarket were i can buy and cook multiple burguês, i am counting men, i were more satisfied when i were fat (years ago)
that'll be difficult, good luck
also try to get as many nutrients and vitamins as possible bc you could get deficiency
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
that'll be difficult, good luck
also try to get as many nutrients and vitamins as possible bc you could get deficiency
Have been practicing it for 3 months, not that difficult after the first 2 weeks of ketosis.

It would be dificult if i have been working more, since work produces stress and food is a way to not stress and to obtain enough fast energy to not fell tired and do shit
