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this might one of my best edits yet ngl

dude why were u banned on .org lol
Misunderstanding with the mods ended up with ban. I might get another chance in six months and then if I'm unbanned, I'll likely leave. I was a good user over there and I helped a lot of people. Plan to do the same while I'm here. It's a long story. You can send me a pm. I'm not talking about all the details here. Are you a .org user? Your name seems familiar.
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  • #6
Misunderstanding with the mods ended up with ban. I might get another chance in six months and then if I'm unbanned, I'll likely leave. I was a good user over there and I helped a lot of people. Plan to do the same while I'm here. It's a long story. You can send me a pm. I'm not talking about all the details here. Are you a .org user? Your name seems familiar.
yeah brah i got a acc on there with 11k post
does the misunderstanding have something to do with a alt acc perhaps
yeah brah i got a acc on there with 11k post
does the misunderstanding have something to do with a alt acc perhaps
Indeed, they thought my brother's acc was an alt which is understandable. But when I told the story they said it was a lie. One of the mods put me on a temp ban and then never ended the temp ban. Temp ban's stop you from appealing and it kept locked up for a long time. Then things started to get real. I'm not going to talk about the rest here. What's your .org acc? You could send it through pm.
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  • #8
Indeed, they thought my brother's acc was an alt which is understandable. But when I told the story they said it was a lie. One of the mods put me on a temp ban and then never ended the temp ban. Temp ban's stop you from appealing and it kept locked up for a long time. Then things started to get real. I'm not going to talk about the rest here. What's your .org acc? You could send it through pm.
my .org is account is also called @alurmo btw
