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JFL This or death in 2024

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  • #3
Looks like a retarded r****d. Nothing resembling actual attractiveness in the real world.
But look at those bones I can only dream of my skull looking like that it looks ultra masculine
But look at those bones I can only dream of my skull looking like that it looks ultra masculine
It's no good man. You have twisted PSL brain. Extreme masculine aesthetics like this look freakish and repulsive to 99.9% of the female population. It's simply freakish.

Of course looking like a pip squeak is no good, but other than that masculinity is mainly conveyed to women by how you move. How you talk to people, how you shift your eyes around to look at things in different social atmospheres/situations.

The thing about girls is they can always tell when you're having a good time and when you're uncomfortable. A masculine man is going to be having a good time most of the time. And I don't mean being extremely extroverted or the life of the party. I simply mean not being flooded with cortisol. What might make an averagely masculine man spike in cortisol would be way less likely to make a man with above average masculinity feel anything at all. I mean a truly masculine man isn't gonna feel "mogged" (anxious or stressed) by any other man, regardless of how much better the other man might look than him.
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  • #5
It's no good man. You have twisted PSL brain. Extreme masculine aesthetics like this look freakish and repulsive to 99.9% of the female population. It's simply freakish.

Of course looking like a pip squeak is no good, but other than that masculinity is mainly conveyed to women by how you move. How you talk to people, how you shift your eyes around to look at things in different social atmospheres/situations.

The thing about girls is they can always tell when you're having a good time and when you're uncomfortable. A masculine man is going to be having a good time most of the time. And I don't mean being extremely extroverted or the life of the party. I simply mean not being flooded with cortisol. What might make an averagely masculine man spike in cortisol would be way less likely to make a man with above average masculinity feel anything at all. I mean a truly masculine man isn't gonna feel "mogged" (anxious or stressed) by any other man, regardless of how much better the other man might look than him.
Best thing I've read and your right my mind is always thinking of psl or looksmaxxing
Literally disgusting, but I assume OP is trolling

That or his brain is seriously rotten.
Ah hell nah

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