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This phenotype or death tbh

Nah tbh
Show better ones because idk bro Im not gay but all these dudes are hot me and my dad included like absolutely peak coloring
Brown/black hair with blue eyes mogs
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Brown/black hair with blue eyes mogs
I already stated that I thought, and there was a study conducted that women prefer men with green eyes more than blue, (at least in iceland) so blue eyes look best to men but for attracting women green eyes are superior

There’s not much research done but for it to be the best in Iceland really states something
I already stated that I thought, and there was a study conducted that women prefer men with green eyes more than blue, (at least in iceland) so blue eyes look best to men but for attracting women green eyes are superior

There’s not much research done but for it to be the best in Iceland really states something
Grey is rarest

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