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this song made me feel new things

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  • #2
try black metal
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  • #3
ik how that feels ,discover new subgenres
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  • #4
bom da dabom dam da ena
now, i listen to way different music style
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  • #8
traditional Greek music moggs
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  • #13
bro this is made in ancient greek language and it has latin too, its pretty hard to translate to modern greek
i understood the latin , pretty easy
rome invincible
rome eternal
rome at the top of the world ( Caput mundi ) ? not sure about this one
but is ancient greek thaaaat different ?
traditional Greek music moggs
this may be correct

To him who defeated great kings, Aleluiah!

Rome undefeated
Eternal Rome
Rome capital of the world

To him who defeated great kings, Aleluiah!

Rome undefeated
Eternal Rome
Rome capital of the world

To him who defeated great kings, Aleluiah!

Many years to the Kings

Long live the Emperor!
Rome capital of the world!

In Christ, Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans

To him who defeated great kings, Aleluiah!
but is ancient greek thaaaat different ?
here we also have a specialization related to ancient Greek in the school which is chosen as a major by the students
philological things etc
It is better then what most guys my age listen to (in the netherlands)


i can tell these guys listen to that shit lol
alright here are some from different artists, mostly played in clubs etc
i only like these songs cause they are played in the clubs, kinda stucked in my head
Some of them do, buy most listen to drill (the second song). But idk when and why nike tech became so populair, but it sucks it doesnt look good at al
agreed, nike teck is overrated

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