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this vs .org

From what I've heard this one is heavily moderated. .org however isn't. You can post anything you want on .org from heavy gore/porn to racist propaganda. Anything but CP. .org doesn't allow girl members though but this site does.
From what I've heard this one is heavily moderated. .org however isn't. You can post anything you want on .org from heavy gore/porn to racist propaganda. Anything but CP. .org doesn't allow girl members though but this site does.
No? .org is just copers theres no useful insights and it's mainly just racist incels
No? .org is just copers theres no useful insights and it's mainly just racist incels
There's a lot of different users on .org. Maybe you had a bad experience. Sure there's a lot of bitter white dudes that hate Jews and everyone else.but there's a lot of cool dudes too.
ive seen many threads like this
.com is strictly looksmaxxing

.org is looksmaxxing with incel roots so heavy community overlap

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