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Info This was a hard-watch

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  • #4
Oh hell no
Just goes to show how incompetent the local police force in his area are, or an inefficient legal system. He has appeared in court several times and nothing has been done.

Especially considering the "nature" of the crime, it actually made me feel sick watching...
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  • #8
Don't ever give me a gun and be near a pedophile. I'll end up in jail and I'll be happy about it
Based. Rest assured if these people actually get some sort of punishment, cases will reduce.
you haven't seen anything if that's hard to watch. it's just the reality. there are much worse stuff you can see.
I heard of this guy. Fuck. Don't ever give me a gun and be near a pedophile. I'll end up in jail and I'll be happy about it
you will regret it later in prison. i know government isn't the best at it, but let government handle it. you will just ruin your own life, and I can assure you that you will regreet it.
Based. Rest assured if these people actually get some sort of punishment, cases will reduce.
there are people that got life imprisonment for killing a pedophile. the law doesn't care if the person you killed was a pedophile or not, what they care about is if you killed someone or not.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #11
there are people that got life imprisonment for killing a pedophile. the law doesn't care if the person you killed was a pedophile or not, what they care about is if you killed someone or not.

I don't need to this because such acts will get you whipped by the legal system here? That's what I want. More governments giving out real punishments to such acts.

Caning. Whipping. Depending on the severity, death.
there are people that got life imprisonment for killing a pedophile. the law doesn't care if the person you killed was a pedophile or not, what they care about is if you killed someone or not.
I have been molested by a animal fucking child porn collecting fuck head. He had files and files of him fucking pigs and farm animals and then he was in a huge dark web pedo group where he would jack off in his room to children getting beat and undressed. If only I had his letter he wrote while in jail. It was fucking evil!

He wrote a whole manifesto about not regretting anything and that he hopes I turn out like him to repeat the cycle so that his blessing as he calls it passed on to the next generation

Dude was legit possessed by satan.

So excuse me for having violent wishes on those who take the innocence away from children and want to harm the weak and defenseless.

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