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Tips on lowering BF?


Sep 28, 2024
So I’ve been working out for 3 weeks. Every morning I go to the gym for 45 min (only time I have before school starts) and I do core workouts at night. I lift 4 days a week and the rest cardio. But I’m seeing no changes only changes I’m seeing are in my waist getting thinner but my body looks the exact same. I even tried eating at a cal deficit and counting cals but I look the exact same not even a bit of change. (I know I can’t see change in just 3 weeks) but how can I drop more body fat and not gain muscle?? I wanna see the scale go down plus my face fat is not even going down. Still look like a baby. Anything I can do? Supplements to take? Max out cardio?? Help! I wanna be skinny by dec
You’ll need to keep training muscles because more muscles will boost your calorie burning at rest. If after a while you’re not losing fat, it’s either because your calorie deficit isn’t enough or you’re not sticking to it. You’re on the right track though, lifting 4 times a week with cardio is solid. Just be patient, 3 weeks is nothing. Stick with it, and you’ll hit your goal by December.
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So I’ve been working out for 3 weeks. Every morning I go to the gym for 45 min (only time I have before school starts) and I do core workouts at night. I lift 4 days a week and the rest cardio. But I’m seeing no changes only changes I’m seeing are in my waist getting thinner but my body looks the exact same. I even tried eating at a cal deficit and counting cals but I look the exact same not even a bit of change. (I know I can’t see change in just 3 weeks) but how can I drop more body fat and not gain muscle?? I wanna see the scale go down plus my face fat is not even going down. Still look like a baby. Anything I can do? Supplements to take? Max out cardio?? Help! I wanna be skinny by dec
I'd recommend rest/recovery days.
Core workout everyday just build endurance.
And you don't need to be at the gym for 45 minutes
Just do lifting and cardio 3 days a week. And cardio for another extra day a week. Other days for recovery.
You need sleep for recovery, also sleep lowers fat. Lack of sleep=higher cortisol=fat
Have a healthy diet
my advice would be to walk and walk and walk

sunbathing, healthy eating, physical activity

eating less calories is a stress for you, it is one of the worst things you can do I don't understand many times how there are people who opt for this alternative when they want to lose fat.
i don’t see the point in not gaining muscle, muscle makes a person look better. muscle gives you the defined and ‘toned’ (i hate that word) look. eat high protein, train HARD (till failure, trust me), and sleep 8-9 hours consistently. also walk 10k steps a day, it helps with the calorie burn. eating closer to maintenance is more anabolic, so don’t go too aggressive with the deficit.
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