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tips to improve pls!!


New member
Sep 24, 2024
the pic with the pink sweater is the only one without makeup (but after an 8hr shift). included some full-body pics so y'all can suggest whether or not i should gain weight (5'4 105lbs currently). i added good and bad pics for accuracy, but i also feel like my face constantly looks different. also i do love my naturally curly hair but i would like opinions on whether i should straighten it like in the couple i added.


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so curly hair ftw then? i feel like i look older with straight hair and i literally had like 10 guys approach me that day (which never ever ever happens with my curly hair).
If you get more approaches then keep straight
You have a good enough face for good appeal, a good body, and seeing as you're in Canada, you'll be fine. Personally, I think curly hair would work better for your phenotype. If straight is better for you, then do that.
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  • #11
You have a good enough face for good appeal, a good body, and seeing as you're in Canada, you'll be fine. Personally, I think curly hair would work better for your phenotype. If straight is better for you, then do that.
thank u!! im not really happy with just being "good enough" though, as ungrateful as this sounds. u can see in the bad pics i added that my smile is weird and my face shape is pretty chubby. also without makeup my undereyes are super dark (also genetically very creased) and my eyebrows are naturally an odd, asymmetrical shape. is there anything i can do for any of these?
thank u!! im not really happy with just being "good enough" though, as ungrateful as this sounds. u can see in the bad pics i added that my smile is weird and my face shape is pretty chubby. also without makeup my undereyes are super dark (also genetically very creased) and my eyebrows are naturally an odd, asymmetrical shape. is there anything i can do for any of these?
You can refer to debloating guides in order to reduce your cubby face, have your eyebrows done, and use tretinoin for your undereyes.
thank u!! im not really happy with just being "good enough" though, as ungrateful as this sounds. u can see in the bad pics i added that my smile is weird and my face shape is pretty chubby. also without makeup my undereyes are super dark (also genetically very creased) and my eyebrows are naturally an odd, asymmetrical shape. is there anything i can do for any of these?
Not being happy with being enough is ungrateful tbh. Foid smv works much differently then male smv as I'm assuming you know. Even as you look now, you have more smv than all the guys on this forum combined jfl.
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  • #14
Not being happy with being enough is ungrateful tbh. Foid smv works much differently then male smv as I'm assuming you know. Even as you look now, you have more smv than all the guys on this forum combined jfl.
true, but being desired by men as just a hole that they at least aren't absolutely repulsed by rather than as a woman they genuinely think is beautiful and want to seriously pursue are two completely different things. i don't think it's wrong to want to be attractive beyond men only feeling like they should put in minimum effort for me.
true, but being desired by men as just a hole that they at least aren't absolutely repulsed by rather than as a woman they genuinely think is beautiful and want to seriously pursue are two completely different things. i don't think it's wrong to want to be attractive beyond men only feeling like they should put in minimum effort for me.
Fair enough, we all want to improve here. Just saying that you have it good already.
the pic with the pink sweater is the only one without makeup (but after an 8hr shift). included some full-body pics so y'all can suggest whether or not i should gain weight (5'4 105lbs currently). i added good and bad pics for accuracy, but i also feel like my face constantly looks different. also i do love my naturally curly hair but i would like opinions on whether i should straighten it like in the couple i added.
Keep the curly hair. It looks good on you.
the pic with the pink sweater is the only one without makeup (but after an 8hr shift). included some full-body pics so y'all can suggest whether or not i should gain weight (5'4 105lbs currently). i added good and bad pics for accuracy, but i also feel like my face constantly looks different. also i do love my naturally curly hair but i would like opinions on whether i should straighten it like in the couple i added.
You’re beautiful, date a white boy
so curly hair ftw then? i feel like i look older with straight hair and i literally had like 10 guys approach me that day (which never ever ever happens with my curly hair).
I think men like straight hair more, mine is wavy naturally and has more volume.. women like it but men don't 😂
Be careful with that forehead. Try to reduce uppereyelid exposure. Bones of body are good, a lean small bulk could help you to get even better glutes but it must be slight because your stomach is already appealing to most people. Lashes look fake as hell and uncanny. Brows are ok. Be careful with those nasolabial folds.
Stacylite potential.
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  • #24
Be careful with that forehead. Try to reduce uppereyelid exposure. Bones of body are good, a lean small bulk could help you to get even better glutes but it must be slight because your stomach is already appealing to most people. Lashes look fake as hell and uncanny. Brows are ok. Be careful with those nasolabial folds.
Stacylite potential.
how do i reduce uppereyelid exposure? these pics are about 1-3 months old so i finally recently left my lashes phase (thank god). tysm for the honest review
been thinking about it yeah... but damn is my forehead that noticeably large?? its not something ive ever paid attention to
not huge but rest of your face is short and in comparison your forehead appears huge, you seem jawless so cover it with bangs
how do i reduce uppereyelid exposure? these pics are about 1-3 months old so i finally recently left my lashes phase (thank god). tysm for the honest review
For uppereyelid exposure volufiline it's supposed to be useful, but I'm nor sure where you should put it so you can search about it. Some say that putting ice has the same effect because it stimulates fat to go there, I don't know if it's true. If you think your lashes are too invisible, grow them naturally, you can use aloe vera or an oíl that, I'm not sure if it's coconut oíl or rosemsry oil, I'm sure you can find more info in this forum. You can try curl your lashes too if you want, as long as you don't use fakes it shouldn't look uncanny.
U welcome good luck with ascending
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