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Twitter user explains the rise in body dysmorphia


Active member
Jul 5, 2019

The rise in body dysmorphia is just a natural result of having more Mirrors than ever that all show slightly different images of you. It's like being in a fun house. Not only physical mirrors (traditional mirrors, back camera view finder, photos) but also perceptive mirrors (comparison, others opinions, trends) are more in your face than ever. What you get is a ton of different versions of yourself. Body dysmorphia is never knowing which one you actually are.

My cure for body dysmorphia is choosing one great mirror in your house that is the chosen mirror you trust. It should be heavy, with a strong backing, and as big as possible. It should be the only one you decide is the truth.

Mirrors with cheap, wobbly foundations create illusions, both flattering and not. Small mirrors create a sense of "fitting in frame" and isn't your natural state. It also requires you to contort and minimize to see yourself fully, which is a terrible ritual for your subconscious.

Further, when you are being seen, it is always your body within a larger environment. In the real world, you are surrounded by endless peripheral space, not cropped to fit.

A large, sturdy mirror is as accurate image of yourself as you'll ever get.

What you get is a ton of different versions of yourself. Body dysmorphia is never knowing which one you actually are.
but back then humans saw shiny things and water reflections
mirrors invented 8000 years ago
there are defintiely other more significant reasons for body dysmorphia which arent mirrors
it also depends on lighting and distance from the mirror
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