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i wonder if i could genetically engineer a cyborg wife... i get the sexless hype now
it wont be the same as a real human with a history
but im starting to consider it
They have robot sex dolls already they are uncanny and expensive I wonder how real human sex robots would look like probably giga uncanny
You aren't an incel then.
Incel means involuntary celibate
i wanna have sex but i can’t. i done it years ago but i dont see how that matters as i will probably never have it again and aside from the sexual aspect, my life has been absolutely brutal definitely worse than what almost all users on these forums went through

dont see how im not incel
i wanna have sex but i can’t. i done it years ago but i dont see how that matters as i will probably never have it again and aside from the sexual aspect, my life has been absolutely brutal definitely worse than what almost all users on these forums went through

dont see how im not incel
ur an abused dog not an incel
No, he’s an incel. Following a term like incel to the definition is retarded. If someone has sex 10 years ago once and in between that moment and now they can’t get sex, does that make them still not an incel?
tbh he seems to act like one so ig he is
i wanna have sex but i can’t. i done it years ago but i dont see how that matters as i will probably never have it again and aside from the sexual aspect, my life has been absolutely brutal definitely worse than what almost all users on these forums went through

dont see how im not incel
That's makes more sense, you are one then
i'm 6'2, still have my brunette hairline at 26 (guys of my age start to go bald), and i was sexually harassed by women at work, i'm the mogger
(delulu into oblivion)
i wanna have sex but i can’t. i done it years ago but i dont see how that matters as i will probably never have it again and aside from the sexual aspect, my life has been absolutely brutal definitely worse than what almost all users on these forums went through

dont see how im not incel
Which one am I?

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