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Discussion unpopular opinion as a woman


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
this might be a controversial take, but this is just my opinion. As a women I don’t really care that much about muscles, and most girls ik don’t either. Mind you I’m a teenage girl and maybe my standards will change as i grow up, also I am very desperate and inexperienced. But when i think of my dream guy hes not some muscualr chad, of course a nice phyisque is a plus but its not the main identifier in what i find attractive. Obv i don’t want a to date a guy thats obese but i woudnt be bothered dating a scrawny guy.
I started going to gym thinking I will be better. Never happened, but I also have trouble with developing because diet is what my parents want and thy don't let me eat too much so I never could bulk, I look slightly better than a normal Skinny guy. And I'm always very worried about it. In highschool there was a cool guy that did pullups everywhere and he had a lot of girls
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I started going to gym thinking I will be better. Never happened, but I also have trouble with developing because diet is what my parents want and thy don't let me eat too much so I never could bulk, I look slightly better than a normal Skinny guy. And I'm always very worried about it. In highschool there was a cool guy that did pullups everywhere and he had a lot of girls
ughhh i relate my parents are super strict ab my diet too
this might be a controversial take, but this is just my opinion. As a women I don’t really care that much about muscles, and most girls ik don’t either. Mind you I’m a teenage girl and maybe my standards will change as i grow up, also I am very desperate and inexperienced. But when i think of my dream guy hes not some muscualr chad, of course a nice phyisque is a plus but its not the main identifier in what i find attractive. Obv i don’t want a to date a guy thats obese but i woudnt be bothered dating a scrawny guy.
foid detected opinion rejected
Also depends on estrogen. Most skinny small titted girls are into skinnier men. Vise versa.
