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Discussion waking up earlier with more energy after 2 days of gym

before going to the gym i would go to bed at 11-1am and wake up at 10am but a bit tired. now after 2 days of going to the gym i am waking up at 7-8am and with way more energy.
Idk if humans are supposed to genuinely lift weights ish I think replacing it with more a labourious activity that actually produces something, like maybe woodworking, a labor job or whatever or even just outdoor walks for miles in the sun would be better than going to the gym. Also hiking could replace it if you are nearby nature.
Idk if humans are supposed to genuinely lift weights ish I think replacing it with more a labourious activity that actually produces something, like maybe woodworking, a labor job or whatever or even just outdoor walks for miles in the sun would be better than going to the gym. Also hiking could replace it if you are nearby nature.
Unless you are in the gym for athletics or maybe just building better bones, most of the muscle building is potinless unless you have a decent frame.
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