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Experience Was blowing by people on the highway

Was cruising at a solid 120mph for 2 minutes. Then brought it down to 110 was cruising there for a minute.
Man speeding is fun. Helps fill the emptiness inside me 😔
I get you, man. When the road is clear on a cold, dark night, I do the same thing. Windows down, foot on the gas, watching the lights blur past, there's nothing like it. Feels incredible.
Getting my driving licence soon

Though I will always be on the slow lane ( left ) driving at 70kmph. I'm too paranoid.
i wanna watch the driver

also i was speeding when i used to ride my bicycle in 2021
and i applied the front brake suddenly and back wheel lifed and the cycle made an angle of 45+ degrees
i got down from the cycle after it landed and sighed and laughed
a girl was there and she are u crazy and i just laughed and got back up on the cycle and continued normally (i knew her and she was kinda friends with my sister they stopped being friends cause her cousins and their friends bullied me )

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