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Watching porn is cuck behavior

Being a cuck is cuck behavior

Constantly obsessing over the concept is a higher indicator of being one
Porn isn’t just about cuck behavior, it can also affect your sexual orientation due to the way your brain associates dopamine release with looking at male genitals. Over time, this can change how you respond to sexual stimuli. Furthermore , it might lead to erectile dysfunction because of something known as the death grip. When you masturbate, you often grip harder than any vagina would, and your penis can get used to this intense pressure. This can make it difficult to achieve the same level of arousal or ejaculation with a partner.
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  • #11
Porn isn’t just about cuck behavior, it can also affect your sexual orientation due to the way your brain associates dopamine release with looking at male genitals. Over time, this can change how you respond to sexual stimuli. Furthermore , it might lead to erectile dysfunction because of something known as the death grip. When you masturbate, you often grip harder than any vagina would, and your penis can get used to this intense pressure. This can make it difficult to achieve the same level of arousal or ejaculation with a partner.
I’m lowkey in love with you….
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Why would you want to watch other people fuck it’s lowkey so weird ?
Porn isn’t just about cuck behavior, it can also affect your sexual orientation due to the way your brain associates dopamine release with looking at male genitals. Over time, this can change how you respond to sexual stimuli. Furthermore , it might lead to erectile dysfunction because of something known as the death grip. When you masturbate, you often grip harder than any vagina would, and your penis can get used to this intense pressure. This can make it difficult to achieve the same level of arousal or ejaculation with a partner.
Yeah, most people blur the lines between porn and reality, thinking everything they see on screen can happen in real life. Sure, some things are possible, but almost no one wants to go that far.

Shit like porn is the same like walking to close to a cliff, you’re better off keeping your distance. If it’s risky, it’s best to stay away instead of assuming you’re immune to its effects and dangers.
Crazy how back then it was China now it's Thailand for you know
Never set foot in Thailand because I liked to do meth. Thailand is very hard on drugs. You don't wanna get popped there period, not even for possession. I always stuck to Cambodia and Vietnam were you can pay a bribe, or at worse just spend a few months in jail before getting deported.

What I would do was spend a year under contract in China teaching at a school. Then go to Cambodia and Vietnam to spend six months binging on meth before coming back to China to do another year long contract. That was my life from 2011 to 2018 until I got married. After getting married I continued living in China for three more years. From 2011 to 2021 I lived in 15 different cities. On of the years in China I worked as a consultant for an early childhood enrichment program, traveling all over the country helping franchises open up.
Yeah, most people blur the lines between porn and reality, thinking everything they see on screen can happen in real life. Sure, some things are possible, but almost no one wants to go that far.

Shit like porn is the same like walking to close to a cliff, you’re better off keeping your distance. If it’s risky, it’s best to stay away instead of assuming you’re immune to its effects and dangers.
Lol, I've never had any problems getting girls I've had relationship with to do anything I liked. Though I did partially traumatize a rather innocent girlfriend I had when I was 24. She had trouble giving head right so I had her watch a blowbang video out of frustration. Wanted her to do it more like the one in the video. She was shocked to say the least.

The thing about porn is I would always enjoy going from one video to the next to the next before finally getting off. For me porn and sex have always occupied two different frequencies in my mind. Different but equally good.
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  • #21
Lol, I've never had any problems getting girls I've had relationship with to do anything I liked. Though I did partially traumatize a rather innocent girlfriend I had when I was 24. She had trouble giving head right so I had her watch a blowbang video out of frustration. Wanted her to do it more like the one in the video. She was shocked to say the least.

The thing about porn is I would always enjoy going from one video to the next to the next before finally getting off. For me porn and sex have always occupied two different frequencies in my mind. Different but equally good.
Question did her watching the porn improve her skills and yalls relationship or just hurt her feeling?

Also do you get the same post nut clarity from porn and sex

Theese are Profound questions btw
Question did her watching the porn improve her skills and yalls relationship or just hurt her feeling?

Also do you get the same post nut clarity from porn and sex

Theese are Profound questions btw
She was a girlfriend I really was starting to lose feelings for at that point. It didn't hurt her feelings but just shocked her. She couldn't understand why such a "pretty girl" would do such things. China's internet is heavily censored and she'd never seen porn before. She tried her best to emulate the girl in the video but she had no passion for it. She continued to obsess over me for six years after that. She was a 22 year old virgin until about two weeks after I met her, so go figure.

A couple months after I broke it off and left her in Qingdao she ended up moving back to her hometown Linfen, and lived with her parents for four months. We kept in touch via QQ and after my vacation in South East Asia was over I returned to China and began living in Beijing. I got a new Chinese phone number and she began texting me all the time. Then all of a sudden she surprised me saying she's in Beijing too. She'd taken a slow train standing up for 16 hours to get there. She knew I wouldn't let her live with me again so she shacked up with one of her girlfriends from college and got a job as a sports announcer at that Watercube swimming arena where Phelps won all those gold medals at. We had sex a few more times but after a couple weeks I moved to Chengdu. Two years later I was passing through Beijing again and we met up at a hotel to have sex for the last time.

The last time she contacted me was in 2018. Since breaking it off with her in 2012 she's contacted me from time to time, angry and bitter. She'd show me pictures of new boyfriends, and even a fiance one time, to see if I cared.

Anyways, I don't know about post but clarity. With sex and porn I'm just simply not horny anymore after nutting.
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  • #23
She was a girlfriend I really was starting to lose feelings for at that point. It didn't hurt her feelings but just shocked her. She couldn't understand why such a "pretty girl" would do such things. China's internet is heavily censored and she'd never seen porn before. She tried her best to emulate the girl in the video but she had no passion for it. She continued to obsess over me for six years after that. She was a 22 year old virgin until about two weeks after I met her, so go figure.

A couple months after I broke it off and left her in Qingdao she ended up moving back to her hometown Linfen, and lived with her parents for four months. We kept in touch via QQ and after my vacation in South East Asia was over I returned to China and began living in Beijing. I got a new Chinese phone number and she began texting me all the time. Then all of a sudden she surprised me saying she's in Beijing too. She'd taken a slow train standing up for 16 hours to get there. She knew I wouldn't let her live with me again so she shacked up with one of her girlfriends from college and got a job as a sports announcer at that Watercube swimming arena where Phelps won all those gold medals at. We had sex a few more times but after a couple weeks I moved to Chengdu. Two years later I was passing through Beijing again and we met up at a hotel to have sex for the last time.

The last time she contacted me was in 2018. Since breaking it off with her in 2012 she's contacted me from time to time, angry and bitter. She'd show me pictures of new boyfriends, and even a fiance one time, to see if I cared.

Anyways, I don't know about post but clarity. With sex and porn I'm just simply not horny anymore after nutting.
Damn wtf I need whatever you gave her no cap
Damn wtf I need whatever you gave her no cap
Just don't be boring. I introduced her to a lot of things, not just sex and porn. Got her high on hashish a couple times and tried teaching her how to swim.

I was just learning Chinese back then so I would always fuck with taxi drivers when we took cabs, which she always got a kick out of. I'd tell her to only speak English in the cab and I'd tell the driver that she was Korean, then I'd tell him crazy bullshit stories while she'd sit there next to me in the back trying not to laugh. One time I casually told a driver that I had a "hot daughter" that my "ex wife" wouldn't let me see anymore because she caught me touching her ass too many times. Lol, good times. 50% of me being able to speak Chinese came from fucking with cab drivers.
If you want to masturbate, train yourself with a fleshlight for stamina training. NoFap isn't useful imo

And just watch videos of women removing their clothes, playing with their genitals and walk naked. that's it. if you need to watch gangbangs and hardcore things you need to rewire your brain asap. Because no sane woman would do what pornstars do in their movies. Sex should be woman's pleasure first. Pornstars/OF girls have psychological issues so...

Fleshlight is obviously used against death grip syndrome
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Just watch POV
The real problem with porn is that separates sex from love. The west became pagan.
Hilarious. I have a porn addicted friend who blames it on high T jfl.
i was jk boyyo, overall im pretty nuetral on porn, i dont think theres anything great or terrible about it. its just another thing in the internet rabbithole🤷‍♀️

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