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JFL Weekend summary (long ass read)


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2023
So I'm at the Dell's rn at the kalahari resort or whatever, and we just got back from our competition (It was an easy sweep), and I got my Best performer award EXCEPT this time it was not my usual trophy award, it was a fucking certificate. I was standing there with my partner and I'm like TF? Besides that most everything was entertaining. The bus ride Friday, my friends and I played "Whose most likely too..." and everyone used it to call each other out with a buncha low blows, so now we all know what we really think of each other! We had one of my friends who kept getting the reoccurring pedophile cards, cuz my girl friend group hates him and he was outed (prolly by my loudmouth ass) about talking sexually about one of them, so now EVERYONE has labeled him a pedo! The problem is that he's not a pedo, he just got caught talking about one of the girls and they're out to cancel him or sum shit cuz of too much drama. He's also like my sidekick inside reporter so they have to deal with it if I bring him around! Anyways you also have the one kid who kept getting cards that basically showed bad hygiene, and someone outed his ass for apparently jerking off in their shared bed during some show choir thing! 😶 And then you, yours truly... the most likely to be a freaking stripper, randomly say shit, and smth bout saving my own ass before anyone else (def true)! Then just a few hours back, we played truth or dare, and one of the girls dared me to kiss another friend's girl and it was a hell no, (mostly cuz its the director's daughter), but if she wasn't seeing his reaction would be the highlight of our lives. When we got to our room, I told him about the dare and how we had changed it, and he still went apeshit. He's like, "I literally would have punched you... I'd fuck you up...Prolly even call you a nig" I was like brotha chill we changed the dare (It was the stupidest thing ever. They made me twerk down the bus aisle), and we could not get him to shut up about this hypothetical situation. He's also a scrawny ass cross country, AC kid that would not stand a chance. ALSO, he got best male soloist, and he got a fucking trophy, why the fuck did the rest of us get a certificate for best performer?? I'm definitely the bad friend in this scenario and I should be happy for him and grateful that I got my award, but he's been on my ass about everything under the sun this week, and he prolly broke a record with the amount of times he's told me to kms, so as funny as it is, I'm not feeling playing the good guy. How's yalls life going? 😂
I'm also in a little pickle... (this gonna sound cocky, but I don't mean it in that way) so it's only the first comp of the season, so I'm not too worried, but most people at these comps would recognize me as the guy they saw do a backflip and is a good dancer, yadda yadda, and they'll be like "Hey, you did really good, or I'm really impressed with your groups performance" and sometimes it's because they're being friendly, and other times it's because they find me attractive. In fact, it was majority friends parents and other old people that complimented me, and my friends thought it was funny. I feel like I'm a pretty approachable person, and I like to carry on conversations, and usually follow them back on insta or whatever but I'm very selective, so they usually get friend zoned, cuz the people I pursue don't approach me!!! I'm wondering if it's because they interpret a different vibe, don't see me as attractive, or they assume I'm dating one of the girls that are my friends. I'm at a loss as to what to do, because they've all followed me on insta, but when I actually see them at a competition, I don't approach them (so that could also be a problem) and we usually never talk. What do I do??
We had one of my friends who kept getting the reoccurring pedophile cards, cuz my girl friend group hates him and he was outed (prolly by my loudmouth ass) about talking sexually about one of them, so now EVERYONE has labeled him a pedo! The problem is that he's not a pedo, he just got caught talking about one of the girls and they're out to cancel him or sum shit cuz of too much drama. He's also like my sidekick inside reporter so they have to deal with it if I bring him around
you absolutely do not want to talk about people or spread anything that may taint their image even if it may appear as a joke unless it is entirely socially acceptable, nothing about pedophila, r**e, etc. this is how you inadvertently destroy your own life. you risked losing a potential social network and you made him resent you.

now you have more problems on top of that such as people asking you questions about them etc etc...

not a good situation.
one of the girls dared me to kiss another friend's girl and it was a hell no, (mostly cuz its the director's daughter),
Low T, would have done it, I'm not twerking on no bus.
I told him about the dare and how we had changed it, and he still went apeshit. He's like, "I literally would have punched you... I'd fuck you up...Prolly even call you a nig" I was like brotha chill we changed the dare (It was the stupidest thing ever. They made me twerk down the bus aisle), and we could not get him to shut up about this hypothetical situation.
it's so over.
so they usually get friend zoned, cuz the people I pursue don't approach me!!!
Sometimes you just got to settle with less, unfortunately. But this isn't a bad thing entirely sometimes you may meet someone who you actually enjoy.
I'm wondering if it's because they interpret a different vibe
maybe, it's possible. but you also rather twerk on the bus rather than kiss a girl...
just saying.
don't see me as attractive, or they assume I'm dating one of the girls that are my friends.
I'm at a loss as to what to do, because they've all followed me on insta, but when I actually see them at a competition, I don't approach them (so that could also be a problem) and we usually never talk. What do I do??
Talk to them.
you absolutely do not want to talk about people or spread anything that may taint their image even if it may appear as a joke unless it is entirely socially acceptable, nothing about pedophila, r**e, etc. this is how you inadvertently destroy your own life. you risked losing a potential social network and you made him resent you.

now you have more problems on top of that such as people asking you questions about them etc etc...

not a good situation.

Low T, would have done it, I'm not twerking on no bus.

it's so over.
He doesn't resent me, I honestly don't even know if it was me or him, because he also brings up the situation in group settings to make her look crazy for sitting on his face (that's apparently what happened, and I think she did it on accident). He's also one of my good friends and has never blamed me for it. It's a really old situation that neither party will let die down. 😂 The bus twerking thing is acceptable because I hold a lot of weight in the group, and it was only people I know.
Low T, would have done it, I'm not twerking on no bus.
This would have been a situation where I would definitely lose social network, and would most likely get me kicked out of show choir (as she is the director's daughter, no matter how much he likes me, I would be a goner) and also would force me to choose between friend groups because he also has a leadership role in the group.
Sometimes you just got to settle with less, unfortunately. But this isn't a bad thing entirely sometimes you may meet someone who you actually enjoy.
This would result in a very short relationship
it's so over.
He attacked the girl who thought of the dare, so I should prolly address that with him. He just got really pissy, and everyone's been commenting on how pissy he's been lately, so eventually he'll see that over reacting isn't gonna work in his favor. Especially since he's prone to ditching his friends for her.