So I'm at the Dell's rn at the kalahari resort or whatever, and we just got back from our competition (It was an easy sweep), and I got my Best performer award EXCEPT this time it was not my usual trophy award, it was a fucking certificate. I was standing there with my partner and I'm like TF? Besides that most everything was entertaining. The bus ride Friday, my friends and I played "Whose most likely too..." and everyone used it to call each other out with a buncha low blows, so now we all know what we really think of each other! We had one of my friends who kept getting the reoccurring pedophile cards, cuz my girl friend group hates him and he was outed (prolly by my loudmouth ass) about talking sexually about one of them, so now EVERYONE has labeled him a pedo! The problem is that he's not a pedo, he just got caught talking about one of the girls and they're out to cancel him or sum shit cuz of too much drama. He's also like my sidekick inside reporter so they have to deal with it if I bring him around! Anyways you also have the one kid who kept getting cards that basically showed bad hygiene, and someone outed his ass for apparently jerking off in their shared bed during some show choir thing!
And then you, yours truly... the most likely to be a freaking stripper, randomly say shit, and smth bout saving my own ass before anyone else (def true)! Then just a few hours back, we played truth or dare, and one of the girls dared me to kiss another friend's girl and it was a hell no, (mostly cuz its the director's daughter), but if she wasn't seeing his reaction would be the highlight of our lives. When we got to our room, I told him about the dare and how we had changed it, and he still went apeshit. He's like, "I literally would have punched you... I'd fuck you up...Prolly even call you a nig" I was like brotha chill we changed the dare (It was the stupidest thing ever. They made me twerk down the bus aisle), and we could not get him to shut up about this hypothetical situation. He's also a scrawny ass cross country, AC kid that would not stand a chance. ALSO, he got best male soloist, and he got a fucking trophy, why the fuck did the rest of us get a certificate for best performer?? I'm definitely the bad friend in this scenario and I should be happy for him and grateful that I got my award, but he's been on my ass about everything under the sun this week, and he prolly broke a record with the amount of times he's told me to kms, so as funny as it is, I'm not feeling playing the good guy. How's yalls life going?