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Weight loss

low cal high volume foods, high protein and stimulants (coke, caffeine, amphetamines, nicotine, etc) can help but you will just have to accept the fact you are going to be hungry either way while losing weight. perhaps you can do phases of weight loss then maintenance then back to weight loss.
low cal high volume foods, high protein and stimulants (coke, caffeine, amphetamines, nicotine, etc) can help but you will just have to accept the fact you are going to be hungry either way while losing weight. perhaps you can do phases of weight loss then maintenance then back to weight loss.
also the nutrients you get in determine how you feel hunger-wise as well, you need to get all your nutrients in. sometimes we also tend to confuse thirst for hunger, so drink plenty of water as well!
So currently I’m around 55kg,I don’t want to loose that much weight my goal is just between 52 and 53,any tips on how to reduce appetite?
Yeah. Just eat healthy and do some cardio or fast. Just don't lose too much weight. Men do like Girls with some thickness my g.
be careful with too fast of weight loss as well, you may want fast results but you’ll look like shit if you lose too much lean mass in comparison to fat which can occur with fast weight loss.
skinny fat looks awful
