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JFL went to the gym for a week, already dreaming about becoming ogre

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Standard gymcel cope.
Ugly -> gym in hopes of being less ugly -> realization that girls dont care about gym -> start idealizing nasty ogre roidcels -> become nasty roidcel coper
its over i even shaved my hair off 2 months ago for no reason
what causes this? ngl i wanted a physique similar to toji but now i wanna become ogre like sam sulek and its only been a few days jfl
no always go for aesthetic and healthy stop worshipping and hopping on trends
Not if he kept a complete, healthy nutritional profile via the natural diet.
he would still have to resistance train either way, the muscles need stimulation. the gym makes that easy. something like calisthenics (natural i guess) would be very hard to take to failure as you’d just fatigue yourself rather than fatigue your muscle when you are doing upwards of 50 reps. pair a proper diet and a good gym schedule and you’re set.
he would still have to resistance train either way, the muscles need stimulation. the gym makes that easy. something like calisthenics (natural i guess) would be very hard to take to failure as you’d just fatigue yourself rather than fatigue your muscle when you are doing upwards of 50 reps. pair a proper diet and a good gym schedule and you’re set.
If he's going for the bodybuilder aesthetic look then by all means.

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