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What’s my male looksmatch?

I’m not sure what u look like. We have f**k ton of new members
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  • #5
YOU’RE 40. I’m 17😭
I really want to see what type of guys I should be going for. I really avoid going for guys out of my league. Both black and white if you can guys.
you’re a good looking girl, i’m sure you’d have no problem attracting a high mtn-low htn. also, you seem both intelligent and kind. any guy would be lucky to be liked by you! 💐 adding on, i saw you said you were being more social! so with time the right person will come🙌
I really want to see what type of guys I should be going for. I really avoid going for guys out of my league. Both black and white if you can guys.
but if you’re asking for photos/examples, tbh i’m not quite sure how to find that and be accurate w it
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  • #15
i dont know a lot about the way you behave in the real world, but personality does play a big factor
I’m quite reserved in school unless I’m with my friends. I was at a party a couple days ago and I put on my social butterfly persona. I try to act as NT as possible but I don’t know, we’ll see when I get back to school
I’m quite reserved in school unless I’m with my friends. I was at a party a couple days ago and I put on my social butterfly persona. I try to act as NT as possible but I don’t know, we’ll see when I get back to school
hmmm, in theory that should work
I really want to see what type of guys I should be going for. I really avoid going for guys out of my league. Both black and white if you can guys.
You really shouldn't worry about physical attractiveness to avoid guys who are "out of your league". You're a pretty enough girl that all tiers of dudes will take you seriously. Some will like you and some won't. If they don't it's not because you're out of their league. They just simply don't like you.

Pace of life is what might make a man out of your league. Focus on that when thinking about what you want to go for. What kind of dude would match your pace of life.
You really shouldn't worry about physical attractiveness to avoid guys who are "out of your league". You're a pretty enough girl that all tiers of dudes will take you seriously. Some will like you and some won't. If they don't it's not because you're out of their league. They just simply don't like you.

Pace of life is what might make a man out of your league. Focus on that when thinking about what you want to go for. What kind of dude would match your pace of life.
I really want to see what type of guys I should be going for. I really avoid going for guys out of my league. Both black and white if you can guys.
You look great and can attract guys in the upper echelons. Just use your female leverage. Women always used to say: 'Calculate your worth and then add tax.'
I really want to see what type of guys I should be going for. I really avoid going for guys out of my league. Both black and white if you can guys.
easily true chad such as myself
